monday morning at home weigh in

Hi all

3lbs loss this week :) pleased with that cos I was slightly disappointed with just 1 off in my first week.
Well done losers - mind you I've gone off those of you that cheated and still lost :8855:

Monday WI did NOT go well. I've gained another 0.6 kg putting me at 1.35 kg over target. In target range . . . but only just.
Having mum here and all the attached problems means I'm comfort eating.
Found the easter bunny that hubby hid away and ate it! :cry:
Also been having lots of carbs as I just need the comfort food.

The AGM is on Wednesday and Mum goes home on Thursday so maybe when I de-stress a bit I can get my head back in gear.
I haven't posted on here for a while as I've been so busy getting ready to move house. But it was another 1lb loss for me this week. I've been cheating a bit the last couple of weeks too as I'm just grabbing food when I can and been a bit naughty :eek: Must get back on track!! Xx
I meant to add, since 7/1/13 when I started SW, I have now lost 1 stone 3lb in total....and I don't even really feel like I'm dieting!!! 2lb left to shift xx
STS. I've been on crutches because of a fall so exercise has been out of the question. Hoping to get swimming this week :) but zumba is out for a while.:cry:
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Faced the scales today and it's yet another gain. So I'm now 1.75 kg (4 lbs) over target.
So I am going to have a to go for super good week.
No treats this week and I think I'm even going to try a total detox for a few days and have no alcohol at all.
Not looking forward to that but I think it has to be done.

Good look everyone else.
i lost 2.5lb this week, thats 10lb in 4 weeks, was hoping for a bit more lol x
I've lost another 2lb this week. I'm 1lb away from my next half a stone! Good luck to you all for a successful week x
Yeahhhhhhhh - well done.

i lost 2.5lb this week, thats 10lb in 4 weeks, was hoping for a bit more lol x
And Yeahhhhhhh and well done to you too. 10 lbs in 4 weeks is really good! Remember a good loss is 1 - 2 lbs a week.
My tortoise pace was a massive ½ - 1 lb per week!
There's something really weird going on with this fred. I can't see any "LIKES" and I know I have liked a few.
So I've tried again and they seem to come and go. So I may have no "unliked" your post. If I have - sorry! :(
Anyone else having this problem?
There's something really weird going on with this fred. I can't see any "LIKES" and I know I have liked a few.
So I've tried again and they seem to come and go. So I may have no "unliked" your post. If I have - sorry! :(
Anyone else having this problem?

I'm seeing that you've liked posts Pomette.
I'm seeing that you've liked posts Pomette.
I've had this problem before and the techy bods at Minis never did get to the bottom of it! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
It only seems to be happening on this fred though and no others. Really weird.
Sts for me this week! My first one since starting the plan. I did have a few extra syns on one day so kind of expected it. New week and new start now though! Good luck for a fantastic week to you all x
1st weigh and i'm 13. 1 3/4. I've been hovering around this mark all year, only dieting for a week at a time and thinking that the running that i'm doing is going to help me lose without dieting - it has helped.

This is it now, had my sisters wedding at the weekend and couldn't even diet for that :( My mum and my sisters (also SW) looked so nice and slim - giving myself a huge KICK in the backside.

Good luck to all you monday losers!