Monday morning weigh in 2021

1.5lbs on. Fully expected! Was the OH 40th the weekend so we had cake and food. To be fair, it could have been worse! Got meals until Thursday this week all planned so we will both be back on it
1.5lb loss for me this week. Bringing me to 1lb for my first stone for next week
Fingers crossed for that 1lb, a stone is amazing.
morning all! well the 1.5lb I put on last week, has made a hasty retreat this week! Back on track
Thats great, well done
Your up early. Yep it will show eventually. Im avoiding the scales for now
Another 1.5lbs this week! Thank you very much! I’ve got a 12 week journal and the plan was to lose a stone per journal. 1lb left to go in this one with 4 weeks left!
Another 1.5lbs this week! Thank you very much! I’ve got a 12 week journal and the plan was to lose a stone per journal. 1lb left to go in this one with 4 weeks left!
That's a great milestone. Congrats on the loss
morning all! 1lb on this week. Lost my head and ate all the food over the weekend. Oh well, back on it!
2.25 off for me this week. Not only did I hit my first stone off but I entered a new stone bracket, only just but I will take it. I'm also s half stone lighter than I was a year ago.
Thats brillant Simone
well done @Simone45

Well, 1.5lb off for me, really pleased. Just need 1/2lb to get my stone badge but we will get there
Got my 1/2lb!! Chuffed to bits as I’d given myself 12 weeks to get it and got it in 10.