Monday Weigh in Club!!

Good luck for tomorrow!!! Fingers crossed for everyone. About to start my last full week on LT before I start refeeding :) :)
Good luck for tomorrow!!! Fingers crossed for everyone. About to start my last full week on LT before I start refeeding :) :)

You'll have to post your refeed plan on here so I can get some ideas :)
Will do Lucy, but I'm going to stick to as boring as possible I'm afraid ;)
Hi all

Lost 1.3kg = nearly 3lbs so I'm in the 11's :)
Thank you Cloe and what a fantastic loss for you this week!!! Well done x x x
Kay, you're under 12 stone!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's brilliant :), you've almost 8 stone off!

Good woman Cloe, 7 lbs is brilliant :) I lost 7lbs too, i was hoping for 4 so i'm thrilled :D
WOW Cath, you should be thrilled, fabulous loss this week!!!! Half a stone in a week is right jammy :) :)
That's a brilliant loss Cath! especially if you weren't expecting that much :D. Good luck everyone else who hasn't yet had there weigh ins x
Well done Kay that's excellent got my weigh In in an hour x
Well done Cloe, Cath & Teapot!! I lost another 5lbs this week myself after nearly giving in yesterday in a moment of weakness, I'm so glad I didn't! I really do love reading your posts and losses on here, it's so motivating to see true results of something I'm doing myself, it really keeps me going so a big Thank you!! :) & Teapot your total loss is amazing, you must be sooooooo proud of yourself and your family must be over the moon for you!! Good luck for your last TFR week and keep us updated on the re-feed xxxxxxxxxx
Well done Mia that is amazing..great loss!!
Ooooohhhh Emma, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you x x x
Thank you and well done Anna-Marie!! Fantastic loss this week!!! :)
Yay Mia!!! Fab start for you!!! Well done x x x
thanks teapot :) :) & Frankiebaby you have done have stuck to your plan and you have lost 1.5lb so be proud of yourself & give yourself a pat on the back!! It's not easy so a big well done, it all counts towards our goal :) xxxxx
Hey Frankie, it does all add up. I can't remember what your 1st weeks loss was and I can't see your stats. Try and fill them in so it's easier for us. Your first month you're likely to lose more than 14lbs and then approx 14lbs a month after that x x x