Moonlights' (temporary) Maintenance

Everyone's raving about those Toulouse saussies! I don't eat sausages (salami doesn't count shhhhh) so obviously I'm missing out.
Feeling a bit emo for no real reason today, could do with a cuddle. Could also do with a functioning brain so I could feel less useless. There is nothing but nothing so frustrating as not being able to phrase things properly.

Eta: totm is loitering over getting started - just a few days late but prob. Has something to do with it. I always seem to feel like sh!t before it starts. What biological purpose does that serve, exactly?
I know, it's not fair is it - not only do we get totm but our hormones go on a roller coaster ride too! :(
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Stupid hormones.

While I watch the hairy bikers (gosh doesn't low calorie food look unappetizing) here's my food from today:

Chicken breast With hummus

2 mini haddock fillets with cheese & spring onion

Halloumi with cucumber

Garlic prawns and mayo

Mug of alpro

Mfp says: 22g carbs

Looks like tons I know. It's about 1500 calories - I've been hungry today or if not quite hungry, I've wanted some bulk. That's one of the feelings it's a bit harder to get on a low carb diet - cauli rice isn't as filling as normal rice for example. But I know that once I'm a bit further into the diet that's something I consider a perk. And really it's because I'm not bloated the way carbs bloat me.

But anyway I'd managed to plan little snacky meals for myself when I ended up craving big hearty ones. Typical.

Tomorrow I think a bit of cauli-cheese comfort food is in order. And some red meat after my chickeny fishy days.

Eta: bikers wisdom this week: a 17 stone man eating 1200 calories per day should do high intensity exercise and burn around 600 cals regularly. Nothing about eating calories back, nothing about BMI... I mean it's just not very responsible to my mind.

However the lads do look good - though I suspect they're still in the high end of the overweight category if not obese and the 'our work here is done' ending didn't seem quite right. I'd have liked to see their diet properly explained and more day to say eating shown rather than just special meals most people won't bother making. But they're releasing a recipe book not a diet guide so I suppose it all follows on eh.
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Eta: bikers wisdom this week: a 17 stone man eating 1200 calories per day should do high intensity exercise and burn around 600 cals regularly. Nothing about eating calories back, nothing about BMI... I mean it's just not very responsible to my mind.

However the lads do look good - though I suspect they're still in the high end of the overweight category if not obese and the 'our work here is done' ending didn't seem quite right. I'd have liked to see their diet properly explained and more day to say eating shown rather than just special meals most people won't bother making. But they're releasing a recipe book not a diet guide so I suppose it all follows on eh.

ITA. A 17 stone man netting around 600 calories a day after exercise is utterly ludicrous, not to say dangerous over the longer term. I imagine they've been receiving appropriate support in terms of nutrition and supplementation, but if they were, we were never made aware of it so it's by the by.

I'm glad they lost weight but it's been an unsatisfying programme for the reasons you mention. Clearly they weren't living on those few lower calorie meals all the time so it would have been nice to know what else their diet consisted of.

I don't think their book will be finding its way onto my shelves any time soon...
Full on dose of the woe-is-me's today. Weepy and angry and useless. Tch.
Moonlights, I am absolutely crazy when I'm hormonal. I sometimes hate it that there's only about 7 days of the month I'm totally free of their tyranny! Keep your chin up. Think how lovely you'll feel when their all banished. Or just buy yourself a treat, that works for me :)

As for the Hairy Bikers and their calorie restriction: I lost weight with exactly that kind of eating plan and put 6 stone back on as I couldn't keep myself restricted to my meager 800 cals a day, and once I broke the diet I broke it big style!! We're all really poorly educated about food in this country and want quick fixes. It's a shame Atkins gets such a bad press.

Hope you're feeling a little brighter this evening. Xxx
I've lost weight calorie counting, vlcd, gained weight at 'all you can eat pasta' slimming clubs... I must have lost 30 stone over the last 20 years so I definitely know how easy regain can be. Atkins is by far the diet I feel healthiest and happiest on though.

Which I'll keep telling myself through these totm cravings. Have been absolutely starving. Was probably not the best time to jump on the wagon - although once totm actually starts I usually lose my appetite so here's hoping that's soon.

Food today:

Gluc pancakes and cream
(just leftover gluc pudding fried - tastes like a pancake if you get it thin enough and like a raw pancake if you don't)

330g cauliflower with 50g seriously strong spreadable cheese

Venison steak and scrambled eggs

Halloumi and cucumber

Plus alpro, drinks etc.

Mfp: 33g carbs inc meds. A little over but not too horrendous I hope.

Please let Pms go away soon. I just go nuts with it, crying and shouting at people for no reason. I actually hit someone once - not seriously, just shoved them hard but it's something I'd never never do in my right mind. And I've been terribly depressed all summer so having my emotions at surface level instead of shoved down deep is tough. Just spending all day loathing myself.
Moonlights, it's so sad that we do this to ourselves. All I can say is, it'll pass. Sleep, bubble baths, good books? I think it's really difficult, but sometimes we just need to be kinder to ourselves.

Focus on something. Shall we start a book group? Haha! Please, no 50 Shades :)
Oof my reading list is unbearably vast and I of course am procrastinating with it. Had to force my way through a terrible YA yesterday - city of bones by Cassandra Claire. Angels, vampires, all the terrible cliches while being a bit of a Harry potter rip off and throwing in some incest as a tribute to star wars and, I think, to be 'edgy' ( when it hasn't really been edgy since flowers in the attic - though I'm sure it gives parents something to complain about). Cassie Claire - like E. L. James, started off as a fan fic writer (mainly teenagers writing their own stories using established characters - James wrote Edward/Bella fanfic and Clare wrote Harry/Draco fanfic I think) and you can see all the occasions in her books that she expects fanfic writers to jump on - so as well as the incest there's the gay wizard who likes one of the teenage boys, and the two older men - one evil and one good - who both loved the same woman but also loved one another in their youth... It's interesting reading a book so clearly written with one eye on its audience and unfortunately I think it's crippling for the story and any attempt at believable characters. I like young adult fantasy - but I like it best when it's telling some kind of truth. Patrick Ness is a fantastic current writer achieving that.

Anyway today I'm rereading Alice in Wonderland and marveling over how much more clearly and cleverly written it is.
Hmm, my minimins iPhone app is doing that thing where it blanks out some of the posts again. Irritating.
Go Android!!

What are those story lines! They sound amazingly fantastical! I've completely missed the whole Twilight/vampire thing.

I've been reading my dd all the classics - we've just had the Wizard of Oz. It's pretty annoying as she's only 5 but has an adult reading age so the days of her having stories read to her are fading fast. Think I'll try Alice soon though. I recently got a massive Grimm's book, but I think she's too little for those. Don't want to subject her to the harsh realities of life just yet :)

How are you today? Anything good planned in all this rain??
Haha oh you will be suckered into the vampire thing as your little girl grows up - it comes in cycles but they're pretty immortal as a YA trope. I don't mind vampires, werewolves, angels and demons in the least if the writing is good and there's more to the story than vampire boys being pretty.

I was a precocious reader, too. Let's see, the first book I read on my own was the lion the witch and the wardrobe - I think I was about 6. Then the rest of narnia, then the never ending story, then Alan Garner's books. The last have some rather mature themes though and scared the pants off me when I was 8 ish - though I must say they're beloved to me now so it obviously didn't put me off. I'd recommend Diana Wynne Jones younger audience books like the Chrestomanci series for a mature young reader, although most children are probably 8 - 10 when they're ready for those. I really need to read more middle grade fiction and see what's out there currently.

If I had a child though they'd be force fed everything I used to read. Which is largely fiction written in the 1940/50s, as my mother had the same idea ;)
Just loving your range of literary knowledge ML!! Xx