Wednesday 17th April
DD today.
Lunch - home made spicy lentil soup
Dinner - piece of wholemeal toast, one rasher bacon, one poached egg and baked beans
Calories 485
No pics, as I'm sure you have all seen beans on toast before!
One more UD, and one more DD until WI. Daily WI this week - went down to 14st 13.4lbs after Monday's DD, back up to 15st 0.4 lbs this morning after yesterday's UD, so fingers crossed it goes down a little bit more each DD!
Will be home late tomorrow as have booked into a late afternoon training session on Literacy Across the Curriculum, so will do something with some sausage-meat and flaky pastry for tomorrow evening - probably with leeks and nutmeg in cream cheese sauce and sweet potato wedges. Tomorrow's lunch is already packed - cheese and bacon roll with pineapple chunks, and some more pineapple chunks to follow!
Have had to give up the squat challenge
as my knees were just not up to that many squats in one day. I got up to 105 a day, but when I went back to work I noticed that my knees were quite painful going up the stairs. Shame, because they didn't actually hurt whilst doing the squats, and I was very careful with the technique, but they were still creaking a lot. I don't want to make the cartilage problem that I have had since I fell off a step about 18 months ago and landed knees first, any worse, so the squat challenge has had to go.