Gold Member
Nope it's been really quiet on here, I think it's cos 5:2 has it's own section now so we've got less on here
Ah right, yep that makes sense. I''ve been lurking in that section occasionally myself!
Nope it's been really quiet on here, I think it's cos 5:2 has it's own section now so we've got less on here
Hope your IBS has properly settled now.
Food is sounding gorgeous. Love the sound of those sausages. Mmmmmmm.
Scary stuff with OH's accident. Really glad he wasn't hurt but still scary as hell when these things happen. And much more so when it seems that they might have been avoided if the council were dealing with the roads properly.
I think that is one of the biggest benefits of juddd the opportunity to build a better relationship with food.
Have you tried any of the hairy dieters recipes I have their book and love it, it is the book I have used most ever and I have loads of cookery books.
I have just been looking at that - good instructions on preparing the chicken, but I think I would go for chicken thighs too!It was the spanish chicken we had last nighttruly yum, but i find even their chilli and bolognese are richer tasting than my basic sw recipes, using things like chorizo/ red wine add so much flavour but relatively few calories. I also made the masala chicken which was tasty but a lot of effort. May try it in with chicken thighs instead of skinning a whole chicken
Glad to hear the mojo is back
Food sounds really nice. I especially llike the sound of the onion and camberbet sauce - how is that made? It sounds very low carb friendly!
I always found myself colder on fast days but I think it could just be the weather at the momentI am SO fed up of being cold at the moment it is driving me a bit daft. Of an evening I end up sitting on the sofa with a huge blanket wrapped around me and hot water bottle to try and feel warm enough. Of course I could put the fire on but I would need to have it on all evening and I am far too tight for that.