Mrs CC
Silver Member
jules1981 said:Hey that's a fab loss well done.
Hope you are having a nice afternoon, and work went quickly for you.
Thanks Jules, I was very rude and didnt respond to your post yesterday!
Im surprised so much has gone already, but I have been working hard at the gym and 1500 cals has been a big shock from what I was eating before. Im expecting it has been water weight and it will balance out at a couple of pound a week.
Work was rubbish today, really wasnt in the mood for it after doing so much the last two days. Only one more day and then its my rest days! Thank goodness! I didnt fancy the gym either thanks to my cant be bothered mood but I went promising myself I would only do a quick workout and did a full hour. So am pleased about that. It helped reminding myself how well Ive done already by exercising, I also thought what would I do at home?!
I must admit since starting this job which means working more weekends, my Friday and Saturday nights are pretty boring, its just another week day night for me
At the moment I dont have too much planned for my rest days, I do think Id like to get out and treat myself to a day out shopping, but if its like this rain wind and cold, I can see myself just staying in bed with the kindle!
So far I am pleased with my first week of counting cals. Ive really surprised myself with my determination. Ive got a birthday do in 3 weeks and a dress that was a little snugger than Id like that I wanted to wear. So Im aiming to get into that by then. I wanna drop about a stone/dress size after that in time for my anniversary in Sept, then I guess its the remainder to lose in time for all the xmas dos!! Ha ha cant believe Im talking about xmas already!!!!