MrsBurgundy's diet, dramas and diary entries!!

Thanks emmaline, although I feel the praise is unwarranted!! Was invited at the last minute to a kids pool party, and just had pizza and nuggets!! Was very stressed and running late!! Oh well, xxx

Added; still feeling a bit rubbish about eating rubbish, but as it was so last minute and unplanned I didn't think to take anything. Foolishness on my part....will just have to work extra hard at zumba and generally work my backside off!!

Am at OHs tomorrow and have decided to do the garlic pan roasted chicken.....can't wait!!! Will be as syn free as possible tho so I don't mess up this week!! Need at least 1.5 to get my half stone stickie!!
OH really is very supportive and I'm really grateful he let's me experiment on him with recipes!!!!

Anyway off to bed after a stressy day!! Tomorrow can only be better!!
Night!! Xxxxxxxxxxx
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Know that feeling of having eaten all wrong!
Had a restless night and "suddenly" decided to have a bit of a binge - which I didn't really enjoy anyway!!! Ate 2 sandwiches of sp. cheese with beetroot and a fruit yogurt. Usually have just the fruit yog so I can take my tabs as my arms were very painful again...So back to 14st 2lb I guess..:D

Hope you have a good day ... :)
That's the spirit! A few nuggets and a bit of pizza isn't going to have that much difference IF you don't use it as an excuse to give up on the week. I think adjusting down the rest of the week will bring good results. I am planning to do that after today (no idea how it will turn out though!).
Thanks guys!!! And good morning!!!! Feeling better today and about to go swimming with kids so that should help a tiny bit!!! Am also tempted to get jm's DVD out if I get the chance!!!

Not sure I'd enjoy a sts or gain on wed, so must make sure I don't make anymore excuses and always be prepared!!! I'd started off so well, just had a coffee, no sugar, and picked at the cherry tomatoes, then realised that that was all I could eat from the food provided, so just threw caution to the wind and thought "to hell with it" aided by our being late, missing the pool party bit, having 2 tired, angry, upset children, and having a row with OH who was meant to be with us, but took too long getting to the bus stop, so we had to go without him.

Never mind!!! It's a new day and a new start!!!
Hope you lovely ladies have had a good morning!!
Emmaline: hope you're back on track today and not feeling too bad.

Lots of love and hugs xxxxxxx
Congrats on ur weightloss Mrs B! It must feel great to be in the 100s! x
I am back!!! Had a good day yesterday!!! Unfortunately being out all day means that my food diary is from memory!! Still, should be ok!!!


Breakfast: 2 x weetabix (heb) with skimmed milk (part a)

Snack: banana

After swimming: 2 x skinny lattes with splenda (part a and maybe a few syns?)

Dinner: SW recipes from Extra East Meals in Minutes.
Starter: [pg 25] Cheesey Garlic and Herb stuffed mushrooms (1.5)

Main: [pg 62] Lemon & Garlic Chicken with a Warm Potato Salad
with added cous cous (0.5)

Dessert: 2 x ww lemon slices (4 each = 8)

Liquids: Coffees (part A), NAS Squash, Liquorice tea

Syns: 10 +lattes?!

Had such a good night last!! Wasn't as romantic as we'd first planned as OHs brother happened to be home, so I cooked for him too! But it was still good!

Think I stayed relatively low-syn, barring the lattes, but I guess it could have been a lot worse!!

I also bought some teabags from a health shop! One is liquorice and spices, the other is to aid slimming!! Figured it all helps!!!

Today has been pretty bland so far!! Thought I'd mix it up a bit and have oatibix flakes with quark. Was ok, bur very thick and needed the coffee!!
I had bought some meringues, raspberries and ff fromage frais to make a sw Eton mess, but will do it today as didn't have time!!!


Breakfast: 28g Oatibix flakes and Quark

Snack: Strawberries

Lunch: (Not sure what i was doing, but didn't eat lunch!)

Snack: 2 x WW Lemon Slices (8) 28g porridge (5) with skimmed milk (hea)

Dinner: "Roast" Lamb, frylight potatoes, peas, cabbage.
Then mock Eton mess for dessert made with Normandy Fromage Frais, Meringue nests and raspberries

Liquids: Coffee, Slim Tea, Liquorice Tea

Syns: 13

No idea what the plans are for today! Had a lazy morning so far and just about to get showered an dressed. Will see what the day brings!!

Love and hugs to you all! Hope you're having a great day!!
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Thanks Zeke!! it really was!!! Never enjoyed anoything quite so much!! And it means i get to spend time teaching myself to cook!!

Am absolutely starving at the moment though, and think i'll do some porridge, as i've not had my HEA today, but will have to syn the cereal!! C'est la vie! At least it's filling!!!

How have you been?!

OH and I discovered that our trip to Jordan falls during Ramadan, and that we may have to fast a little whilst we're there out of respect for our friends family. So that was a little bit of a shock! Though our friend assures us we'll be fine!! As tourists, the rules won't apply, but i still don't wish to be disrespectful!!!
Will have to binge at the hotel before we go out for the day!! EEEK! Not sensible, or wise, but in 40 degrees heat all day, i'm not sure how else we'll manage!!!

Still, that's all a while away yet!! (2 months in fact!)

Hope you've had a good night! xxxxxx
Good morning world!! Just on my way into work and feeling good (tho a little tired!)

Thought I'd have a change for breakfast, and so finished the fromage frais, with raspberries and meringue....yum!....only to discover that I have to syn the meringues 2.5 each, so def went over yesterday!!!


Breakfast: Normandy fromage frais, raspberries, 1x meringue nest (2.5) Then, at work, 1 x sachet of Oats so simple and skimmed milk (HE A&B)

Lunch: Jacket Potato with cottage cheese & pineapple, lettuce, cherry tomatos, cucumber spring onions, BGTY cous cous (0.5)

Dinner: Super speed soup (which was lovely!!!)

Snacks:Banana, Apple slices, Activia Strawberry Snackpot, 4 x Nutella cakes (adapted so 0.6 each) (3?)

Liquids: Liquorice tea, Water

Syns: 6

I'm still persevering with the teas in an attempt to drink more!!! Still, sure I'll drink a gallon at zumba tonight!!!
Also going to order some sausages from joes today!! Xxxx have a good day!!! Xxxx
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Good evening!! Turns out i didn't go to Zumba tonight. Had an awful headache and my friend couldn't make it either, so decided to stay in and (finally) get on with the super speedy soup!! I never knew there would be so much of it!! And when i had made that, i made some cakes!!
Feeling very proud of myself, but now have a backache from all the standing, and ready for bed, so will keep this short!!!

TTFN! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My 2(!) saucepans of super speedy soup, and nutella fairy cakes!! Yum!!!!! Xxx


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Eeek - just been told i'm out to dinner with my OH tomorrow night, and (luckily) have a menu to peruse....but no idea what would be the "better" options...someone help please?!?!

Bread basket with English butter or virgin rapeseed oil & balsamic vinegar £2.90
Pea and lettuce soup, lemon crème fraiche (v) £5.50*
Goat’s cheese and sun dried tomato tart, rocket and balsamic (v) £5.90*
Prawn Salad, Marie rose sauce £6.90
London cure smoked salmon, capers and cournichons £6.50
Chicken and chestnut mushroom terrine, fennel and red onion slaw £5.90*
Grilled Asparagus, poached egg and hollandaise sauce £6.25
Main course
Chicken supreme, grilled green asparagus, pappardelle and Earl Grey veloute £14.90*
Herb crusted haddock , wilted greens and saffron butter sauce £16.70
Grilled salmon, pepperonata and basil oil £16.50*
Smoked Applewood gratinated pork loin steak, wild garlic mash £16.90
10oz Scotch ribeye steak, Boyd’s chips, béarnaise £25.90
Wild nettle risotto, blue cheese and toasted walnuts (v) £13.90*
Sides £3.50 each
Purple sprouting broccoli, chantenay carrots, buttered new potatoes
Boyd’s chips, dressed baby leaves
Caramelised pineapple tart, coconut ice cream £5.50
Chocolate brownie, vanilla ice cream £4.90*
Queen of puddings £5.90*
Rhubarb and apple crumble, vanilla custard £4.90*
Selection of ice cream & sorbet £4.50
Welsh rarebit £4.90*
Duo of British cheeses, grapes, celery, chutney £6.50
Wow - sounds gorgeous!!!

Really, you should probably skip the starter and dessert but if you don't think you can...

I would have:

S. London cure smoked salmon, capers and cournichons £6.50

M. 10oz Scotch ribeye steak, Boyd’s chips, béarnaise £25.90 (avoid the sauce and try not to have too many chips)

D. Selection of sorbet £4.50

Expensive choices though!!

Actually, i will come back to this in a bit! I think there are a few more option!

....actually, I am inclined to say that you should have want you REALLY want and make it a treat (definitely wouldn't have a starter AND a dessert though! Best to skip dessert and have a coffee instead?). It is so hard to tell really.
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Yeah, there's a few I was looking at, but trying to syn each one (as best I can!) te asparagus and poached egg didn't sound too bad?! Or the salmon? Will have a look again when I get into work!!

Running late this morning. So breakfast so far consists of a ww lemon slice and a fairy cake!! Haha!! Breakfast of champions!!!

Hope you're having a better morning!!!

Love ad hugs xxx
Hey! Thanks!! Been having a harder look, and realised that most dishes seem to have butter in them :sigh:
I was thinking sensible options could include:

Prawn Salad, Marie rose sauce £6.90
(With no sauce - Should be free, right?)

Or London cure smoked salmon, capers and cournichons £6.50 (Should be fine!) This is my current #1 choice! :p

Or Grilled Asparagus, poached egg and hollandaise sauce £6.25 (Again, with no sauce should be ok?)

For Main:
Chicken supreme, grilled green asparagus, pappardelle and Earl Grey veloute £14.90*
(Without the veloute should be low syn - basically chicken in pasta)

Or Grilled salmon, pepperonata and basil oil £16.50* (Again, should be ok, without the oil!)

Or this: Smoked Applewood gratinated pork loin steak, wild garlic mash £16.90
(Which just sounds divine, but can near guarantee that it's made with all sorts of butter and milk in the mash, but may treat myself anyway!!)

And a skinny coffee for dessert?!

So the Main is really between the chicken or pork. Will see how i'm feeling after the starter!!!! :D:p;) Really can't wait!!!

Have just booked tickets for my best friend and i to go and see Ghost Stories at the theatre in June, and so excited!!!

Should really start my diary for today!!!

Love and hugs, and thanks for helping me!!! How's your day going!?!? xxxx
24th May 2011

Breakfast: 1 x Oats So Simple (Plain) (HEB) and Skimmed milk (HEA)

Lunch: Jacket potato, speedy soup, Ooodles of salad!!!!! Activia Snack pot

Dinner: At Boyds!!!
London cure smoked salmon, capers and cournichons
Main: Smoked Applewood gratinated pork loin steak, wild garlic mash

Snacks: 1x WW Lemon Slice (4), 1 Nutella Fairy Cake (0.5)

Liquids: Coffee & Water

Syns: 4.5 Think today will be a flexi day, as out to dinner!!
Sounds like you have got it sorted!!

Day has been going fine, thanks. I was v.busy at work and didn't have lunch until 2 pm (but I was fine and TBH could have gone for longer! Busy - a dieters best friend!). I feel a lot more relaxed now as the bulk of what I have to do this week has already been done PHEW!

Have a WONDERFUL evening!!! Really - no wine? Are you really going to be that good?!
Haha!!! Probably not!! I don't normally drink wine, but been wanting a glass today!! Must have known I was out with OH!!! Xxx