MrsBurgundy's diet, dramas and diary entries!!

Here are the new rings!!! Still very bling-tastic but love them anyway!!! Xxx


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Have made a final plan for this week, and going to continue onto the week after - just need to make a shopping list, though tempted to do an online shop!!
Hahahaha!! :thankyou: Thanks!!:thankyou:
Couldn't have done it without you!!
Well, it's the end of the day, i'm knackered - made a LOVELY quiche, had two slices, but no idea how many syns as forgot to check that bit, and about to go to bed!! Stuck to plan 100%, though having a massive sugar craving, so hoping my orange squash will trick my mind into thinking its dessert, as don't really want a WW cake before bed!!

So today was:

Breakfast: Oat so simple (HEB) and Skimmed milk (HEA)
Snack: 1 x Scan bran with cottage cheese
Lunch: Jacket Potato with cottage cheese & pineapple, and salad. 1 Activia snackpot
Snack: Frozen Grapes, Banana
Dinner: 2 slices homemade quiche!! (6?)
Liquids: Coffee, Water
Syns: 6?

Just listening to Jillian Michaels podcast!! Love it!! Will chat more in work!! Xxx
:character00238: :wavey:Good morning world!!!! :wavey::character00238:

I'm in a very chipper mood at the moment, even with a headache, but think it's because the sun is shining and i'm feeling positive!!! :D
Have been listening to/reading Jillian Michaels and am feeling really upbeat! :coffee:Going to order some stuff from Amazon to get my life together!!:talk017:

My amazing and wonderful :heartpump:OH:heartpump: has left me today to go the TT racing on the Isle of Man :character00201:, and am very sad to be without him for over a week. :cry:(Though at the time of booking, last year, i'd never been to any sort of motorsports, so they didn't book me a place :( booooo!:()
So, i have no idea what i'm going to do without him!!

I am out to dinner on the Monday for a friends birthday :eating: (though have examined the menu, and will be having the chicken and pasta!) Then i'm off to Alton Towers for a spa day and hotel stay on Tuesday, and will be in the theme park on the Wednesday, which is great!! :Na_Na_Na_Na:Though will be taking some kinda snack foods and being very careful, as still want a great loss week!!!

So far, my menu plan seems to be working, and i don't feel the need to go off track!!!

My day should look like this:

Breakfast: 27g Oat so Simple (HEB) with Skimmed milk (HEA)

Snack:Scan Bran and cottage cheese, 0/5lb of cherries

Lunch: 2 slices quiche (6) with cous cous and mediteranean veg. Activia yogurt.

Dinner: Joe's Steak and SW chips (hopefully, if i have time!! If not, sausages and speedy soup!!)

Liquids: Coffee, Water, Squash

Syns 6

Still have no idea what the feta is! I'm sure Capricorn worked out that the 200g when split into 7 is 3 syns, but i split it into 8 portions (the quiche) so guess it's slightly less! Think i'll keep it as 3 syns tho! That way i can keep track!!

Also, i have to add: my work mate (who is a good friend of mine from years back) offered to make me a coffee today, which i kindly accepted! Only he obviously didn't think about the milk, and i'm suprised how much i can tell the difference!!!! :eek: It feels like i'm having a luxury coffee, just cos he used semi skimmed, hahahahahaha!!!
Shan't make a habit of it, but it is lovely!!! YUM!!

Simple things, eh?!? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey hon!!

I downloaded her podcasts from itunes (they're free) so had a listen on the way to work!! I was literally chuckling out loud on the train and tube - she's hilarious!!!! Also, read an excerpt of her new book on Amazon!! I think she's amazin!! Tempted to buy zumba and biggest loser on the wii!! I just need to make sure i use it all the time!!

I'm sure i'll be fine with OH, but it's the little things, but i suppose he'll still call and text every hour of the day, so can't complain!!
Will just miss his cuddles, so shall demand more from little man!! Teehee!!

How are you?! x
oooh Hello there

low fat feta is 3syns per 28g full fat is 3.5 per 28g OR you get 42g for a heA but if you do green days you can also have 57g for a heB ..I think thats right from what I remember ;)

I LOVE Jillian michaels -I have her "how to master your meatabolism" book (which is where I get most of my ideas from now -including the carb curfew :p) and Im still waiting for the "making the cut" and winning by losing" books to arrive -I just love her approach...

oooh lucky ole OH -my hubby would love to go to the TT racing... I love motoGP -hubbies fault, and now I watch it even when he isn't in :p

Sounds like you have a lovely week planned -hope you have a great time!!!
Take care and keep up the great work :D
Hey Capricorn!!

Thanks for dropping by!!

I think i've definitely underestimated the cheese then!! I used a whole packet, rather than 28g......have no idea how much, will see if i can find it in sainsbury's. If it's 3 syns for 28g though, it'll be LOADS in my quiche :eek: :( :( :(:cry:even though i divided it into 8. Well, that's made me feel a little less great.

And i just had to get a pigeon out of our office......blah!! He got out ok though!

I'm a newcomer to JM stuff, but i bought her 30day shred (yet to complete it, or even do it again) but i find her very motivational, and empowering!!!

Tempted by her books as well!! Really like the bit i read of her new one, Unlimited. Might have to get that too!!

Sure Amazon will love me today!!

Yeah - i've recently been going to the BSB stuff, and any classic car stuff as OH loves it!! My OH has gone with his family (Him, his brother and his dad are all keen bikers, and his mum has gone in the car) Very jealous, and also have a little thing for Guy Martin!! Teehee!!!

Hope you have a fab weekend too!! xxx

I use a full 200g pack in my crustless quiche and cut it into 7 -so it only works out as 3syns per piece as it near as damn it comes to 200g total (7x28g = 196g) so if yours is the full fat one and you cut it into 8 the feta should still only come out at 3-ish syns....
I hope that makes sense :p
The crustless quiche is much nicer with feta than cheddar I find and it makes it firmer :D

Have a great weekend...
Oh - of course!!! I was just being daft, obviously!!

Oh, well thats fine then!!! I LOVE the quiche and will be making it over and over!! My mum couldn't stop eating it last night, i was getting a litle cross that she was eating my lunch and dinner for the next few days!! Hahaha!!!
We don't normally like feta, but think we may be converted cos if this!!

Thanks again!! xxxxxx
Well i'm home, and in a state of planning panic i decided to have a closer look at the menu for Mondays dinner and think i'll need all my syns for it...unless i have a few tapas...or, alternatively, eat before i go!?

Here is the menu

What do you reckon?!

Also, i had another spending spree today and have purchased:


Wahey!!!! Definitely getting into it more now the weathers getting nice! Plus determined to look good in those holiday pics!!!!!
Me again :p

oooohh tapas -I LOVE tapas :drool:
Looking at the menu I would say the patatas bravas, ensalada mixta and the tortilla Espagna look "safest" but not exactly exciting :p.. For me it would be the Ensalada salmony gambas... the salmon is grilled and if the prawns are shell on -it will have stoped a lot of the oil soaking in -and then you can always ask for the dressing you wouldn't use many syns at all :D
ooooh and if you had the salmon you could call it a red day to gain an extra A+B -oooh and patatas bravas are usually in their skins so you would get 198g-ish for a heB ......
Sounds a lovely place to go.. hope you enjoy it ;)
That biggest loser game is great (really should give mine another outing) - Still can't get on ith the wii zumba though :eek:
Hey hon!!!! I LOVE tapas too!!!
Ooooooh, hadn't thought of it being a red day (I've never ventured away from EE, so that would be brilliant!!)
Sounds good though, cos was looking at the salmon anyway!! Had a hankering for it recently!!

I LOVE my zumba classes (go twice a week) so hoping the wii zumba lives up to expectations!! And can't wait to see how biggest loser is!! Been listening to more JM podcasts, and she's amazing!!!

Her books are next on my to-do list!!! Definitely want unlimited, but wondering what else to get?! xxxxx
Hmmmph - dinner plans changed, and i'm less than happy with my mistake.
I had a spinach canneloni (Be good to yourself) that had to be eaten, and i didn't have time to do the steaks i'd planned for as got home late, this however has meant that my syns are over the 10 i'd planned for :mad: I don't know why i hadn't thought about it, i just wanted simplicity and it was easy to throw it in the microwave.

So my 6 syns is now 12.5 :mad::mad::mad:

Never mind, tomorrow is a new day!! xxxx
I think zumba looks amazing -but I swear I have even less rhythm than I thought I did :eek: -so I just get wound up and have a hissy fit:p
No doubt you will be fine if you go to classes, I can see how it would really burn cals, but I just can't shift my feet quick enough ;)

Salmon is one of my fave things too, I often have it and as hubby doesn't rate it -I don't have to share :sign0151: .. Red days are great ..can't beat 2 A+Bs. I have to say that when I used to go to La Tasca back in the uk it was the albondingas I loved and patatas bravas -but the SW "world of flavours" cook book has some pretty good stand in recipes for them -do you have that book? A lot of the recipes need tweaking as you go as the seem to add far to much liquid :confused: -but its my fave book.

Jillians "master your metabolism" is really good if you are looking to get rid of as many processed things as possible -she sums it up by saying that you shouldn't eat anything unless it "had a mother or grew from the ground" -it really is interesting,
After years of her eating very little and exercising like a demon she was still unable to get rid of the last of her weight, now she has altered her eating she eats more and doesn't have to work out as much *now thats the bit that caught my eye* :D

I have 2 of her books on their way -but I aven't got "unlimited" as it was out of stock when I was ordering -so that may have to be my next purchase :p

ooh what a bummer about your canneloni -its a right pain when something so simple can cost so much isn't it -I guess it explains why it was so easy to put weight on in the first place :p

Have a great day tomorrow..

Hey!! I thought you were at golf, or are you back already!?

The thing is about dinner, i bought it for a day that i hadn't had any syns, but in forgetting that simple detail, i can easily see how i got to be this size!!!

I'm utterly inspired by JM's podcast! Her last one was talking about being vegan and how much she dislikes soy! I think i'm more blown away with her knowledge of EVERYTHING, and she has such a deep understanding that she can explain it in a way i understand! ANd it all makes sense!
(One of my favourite quotes is "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" - Einstein)

She's definitely helped me get off my backside, and will be started her 30 day shred again tomorrow!

I always forget that you're not in the UK! When i read your diary its always a quick reminder! Hahaha! How long are you in Germany for?!