:character00238: :wavey:Good morning world!!!! :wavey::character00238:
I'm in a very chipper mood at the moment, even with a headache, but think it's because the sun is shining and i'm feeling positive!!!

Have been listening to/reading Jillian Michaels and am feeling really upbeat! :coffee:Going to order some stuff from Amazon to get my life together!!:talk017:
My amazing and wonderful :heartpump:OH:heartpump: has left me today to go the TT racing on the Isle of Man :character00201:, and am very sad to be without him for over a week. :cry

Though at the time of booking, last year, i'd never been to any sort of motorsports, so they didn't book me a place


So, i have no idea what i'm going to do without him!!
I am out to dinner on the Monday for a friends birthday

(though have examined the menu, and will be having the chicken and pasta!) Then i'm off to Alton Towers for a spa day and hotel stay on Tuesday, and will be in the theme park on the Wednesday, which is great!! :Na_Na_Na_Na:Though will be taking some kinda snack foods and being very careful, as still want a great loss week!!!
So far, my menu plan seems to be working, and i don't feel the need to go off track!!!
My day should look like this:
Breakfast: 27g Oat so Simple (HEB) with Skimmed milk (HEA)
Snack:Scan Bran and cottage cheese, 0/5lb of cherries
Lunch: 2 slices quiche (6) with cous cous and mediteranean veg. Activia yogurt.
Dinner: Joe's Steak and SW chips (hopefully, if i have time!! If not, sausages and speedy soup!!)
Liquids: Coffee, Water, Squash
Syns 6
Still have no idea what the feta is! I'm sure Capricorn worked out that the 200g when split into 7 is 3 syns, but i split it into 8 portions (the quiche) so guess it's slightly less! Think i'll keep it as 3 syns tho! That way i can keep track!!
Also, i have to add: my work mate (who is a good friend of mine from years back) offered to make me a coffee today, which i kindly accepted! Only he obviously didn't think about the milk, and i'm suprised how much i can tell the difference!!!!

It feels like i'm having a luxury coffee, just cos he used semi skimmed, hahahahahaha!!!
Shan't make a habit of it, but it is lovely!!! YUM!!
Simple things, eh?!? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx