MrsC999's JUDDD diary

Hi Lily. I'm good thanks for asking. Had a very busy weekend as always, trying to fit the usual chores, shopping, etc around the kids classes for gymnastics and dancing. The weekends are just not long enough. Ended up having ID on Sunday because visited my aunty who had made a proper tea party for us and had been baking all weekend so I couldn't refuse.
She didn't know I was dieting and hadn't seen me since I'd lost the 3 stone so she was full of compliments, which was nice :)
DD for me today and will be sticking to CD shakes. I was trying to keep off the scales until I'd done this diet for a couple of weeks but couldn't help myself yesterday and put on 3lbs :-( which has taken me back up to 12 stone 1 lb ..... Not happy but I will stick at it because I've read it takes a couple of weeks for your body to get used to the alternate day thing
Hi, I don't usually weigh everyday in fact I am dead against it as I believe its counter productive but after my STS I thought I would weigh everyday this week as an experiment, to see what happens to my body after UP s and DD's , its been fascinating so far and quite scary at times , I will put all the figure down on sat after my official weigh in, so please don't get down hearted Juddd really isn't the type of diet that you can daily weigh on as you will swing up and down but the trend is 'usually' downwards, also strangely despite a large swing upwards in numbers for me yesterday I didn't feel any bigger my clothes felt the same etc and thats what counts the upswings you see are only tempoirary and weight loss does occur, Hope this helps a bit , have a good day x
Thanks Jo.
I'm worried that if I've put on 3 lb in 5 days that I'll be half a stone heavier by the end of my first 2 weeks, when I'm obviously trying to lose weight...
You have to have faith and stick to your allowances, keep your DD's below 500 they are the key, enjoy your UP days its important that you eat enough calories on your UP's, I am strict on my DD's and never go above 500 but I only guestimate my UPs and eat loads including, cake chocolate etc. In total I have done Juddd for 7 weeks (jan and now) and lost 19lbs total in those weeks with no gains and only one STS so believe me it does work x
Hi MrsC

Don't worry about those few extra calories you had today. Yes, the advice is to try to keep below 500, but if you look at Dr J's calculator and put in 25% weight loss/30% weight loss/35% weight loss mode etc, you'll see the calories go up a fair bit before you hit maintenance mode. And maintenance mode is no bad thing if it's only for one day. I reckon you should've had the WW meal you planned to eat, actually - but it's so hard, in the moment, to figure out what the best thing to do is. That's another reason why I'm sticking to Cambridge Diet shakes for now - it takes all the thinking and guesswork out of the equation.

Seems to me you actually had a pretty good DD. Well done! Bring on the UD! :D

Oh, and the 3 pounds up thing - am I right in thinking you've pretty much come straight from Cambridge 810 to JUDDD? If so, that's probably the reason - refilling of glycogen stores and regained water weight. It'll be back off in no time, just hang in there. x
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Hi Lily.
My last few weeks weren't strict on CD. I would be good during the week but always have one night off at the weekend for a night out. So my weight would jump up by 3/4 lbs after the night out then steadily drop again by 4/5 lbs by the following weekend. A slow process but kept me happy knowing I could have a blowout one night if I was strict the rest of the week.

Hope you're ok :)
Here to follow if you don't mind!

Hi Ruth. I'm just tucking into mini kievs, was that your idea I've pinched?
Hi Ruth. I'm just tucking into mini kievs, was that your idea I've pinched?

Hee hee it was!!!

I just had 4 for my dinner they are so scrummy! I had one that looked like a lemon haha!!!

Enjoying them ;)

Lovely thanks. They were Iceland ones so not as low calorie as the Bernard Matthews ones, but I'm on an UP day so not to worry
MrsC999 said:
Lovely thanks. They were Iceland ones so not as low calorie as the Bernard Matthews ones, but I'm on an UP day so not to worry

Glad you enjoyed them :)
Are the Iceland ones nice? What are the calories??

55 calories each. They a bit bigger and just have garlic butter in rather than the cheesey garlic stuff. I'll get the Bernard M ones next time. I've still got about 150 calories left to get me up to 2000. not sure whether to have them or leave them because I had 125 too many on my DD yesterday...
MrsC999 said:
55 calories each. They a bit bigger and just have garlic butter in rather than the cheesey garlic stuff. I'll get the Bernard M ones next time. I've still got about 150 calories left to get me up to 2000. not sure whether to have them or leave them because I had 125 too many on my DD yesterday...

Do u feel satisfied or could you actually eat the extras???? If you feel satisfied then leave it at that!

Found today a real struggle but have held off on having my tea by spending 1.5hours in Sainsbury's scrutinising the calorie content of everything. Just helping my son with his new school reading book then have 200 calories left for tea...
Really hope there is a change on my scales in the morning otherwise I feel like I'll not manage my next DD :-(
Hope so gentoo. I've managed to keep my tea to 150 so that's a grand total of 450 for today as long as I don't give in to my chocolate craving... But I've promised myself a ripple tomorrow if I don't have anything else tonight and the scales make a move. Fingers crossed
Hope so gentoo. I've managed to keep my tea to 150 so that's a grand total of 450 for today as long as I don't give in to my chocolate craving... But I've promised myself a ripple tomorrow if I don't have anything else tonight and the scales make a move. Fingers crossed

LOL - but if I may be so bold, that's dodgy thinking. You deserve the ripple tomorrow because you succeeded in keeping to your calories on a DD. What the scales actually say tomorrow has no bearing on what you've managed to achieve! Scales are stupid dumb things that don't really know what they're weighing - they don't know the difference between fat loss and water weight gain.

I've not lost any pounds at all over the last few DDs but that's because I lost 6lbs last week and this week it's TOTM and I'm stressed, etc. You just can't judge whether you're doing well on this diet - any diet - by going on what the scales say on a day to day basis. You can only spot a trend over the course of several weeks.

So have your ripple tomorrow missy, okay? No matter what the scales say. You've earned it and the scales are going to reflect that you're shrinking over the coming weeks. Trust your body, all right? This is going to work!
Lily is sooo right, I am weighing daily this week just as an experiment to see what actually happens after UP and DD as you know and th e swings have been quite extreme but I know they are trending downwards and by official WI day they will hopefully be down on last week, if I hadn't been weighing everyday I would have no clue as to what I gained during the week albeit temporary , only what I hopefully will have lost. You have to have faith in the diet and remember whatever you are craving on a DD its only a day away not a week or month or more like on other diets x The DD are tough to begin with but they are the key I have grown to love mine, if someone had told me that before I started I would have laughed at them, take care and well done on your DD x
Thanks for your messages Lily and Jo.
I don't want to be weighing daily really but having started at 11st 12lbs on the morning of my first UD, the next day I was 12st 1lb and now 11 days later I am still the same. I understand my glycogen stores will of refilled but I just want to see my weight move down even a pound after a DD so that I know it's working for me too