Just got into bed. Im watching embarrassing fat bodies and Sulking again. im so annoyed that other people eating is bothering me... after eating chicken, potato wedges and mixed veg hubby had a brioche then a packet of crisps and has just been to the shop to buy flapjacks and crunchie bars! I'm going in-frikkin-sane. Why hasn't ketosis hit me yet?
Hubby just commented that he doesn't think I'm doing the diet properly this time as I'm always hungry bug last time I done this I wasn't bothered by food at all. The only difference is that I'm using slim and save/exante not lipotrim
is that really my only option? I know I keep going back to the thought but I really dont want to be paying 38 a week for lipotrim when Iv found slim and save and exante so much cheaper and I have 2 months worth to use. I'm going to give myself a few more days having slim and save meals because they really help me to stick to plan because I feel like I have some food each day but I do agree that I lost a lot more / quicker and got into ketosis easier on shakes alone. Maybe a few more days eating the meal packs will be ok if not ill start to have 3 shakes a day then go back to meals once I'm fully into ketosis.
On a positive spin at least Iv done my 1st week after my few days off last week and tomorrow is weigh in day. I have to find that head space again. I hope that tomorrow will be a fresh start.
Night xx