Monday 12th November
Interesting lessons at school today - 3 lots of Maths equations lessons with years 8,9 and 10

plus tectonic plates in Geography, and insulating/eco stuff in Science! Also put my name down for the staff panto, so it will be interesting to see what that will bring! (Oh yes it will!)
Breakfast - 2 Harvest Chewee toffee cereal bars (4PP)
Lunch - cheese and pickle sarni and an apple (8PP)
Dinner - 4oz lamb burger and potato wedges cooked in tbspn olive oil, with apple and mint sauce, 2 pears (12PP)
Snacks - one level tablespoon peanut butter (random!) (2PP)
Drinks - Water, diet coke, NAS squash, one coffee with cream (2PP), milk in a tea and coffee (1PP)
Totals for the day 29PP, 28 dailies and 1 weekly
Weeklies remaining
APs earned today - 2 for 25 mins walking
Home-made yogurt for breakfast tomorrow. Used an Easiyo packet - it's very 'vanilla-y, so will probably go for a plainer or greek version next time, or just use some of this batch to start the next one so the vanilla taste dilutes. Warmed up the milk, mixed in the Easiyo and left it in a large thermos flask in the airing cupboard overnight to thicken up!