Sunday 25th November
Quite a few weeklies consumed today even though we didn't go out - may have had less if we had!
Breakfast - one and a half bagels with butter and lemon curd (14PP)
Sunday lunch - roast pork with roasties tossed in one tbspn olive oil, parsnip, green beans, leek and apple bake and gravy, crackling (22PP)
Snacks - 5 plums, stewed with tspn sugar and small portion home-made yogurt (4PP), one pink 'n' white wafer (1PP)
Drinks - green tea, earl grey teas with milk (1PP), coffee and cream (2PP), NAS squash
Totals - 44PP, 28 dailies and 16 weeklies
Weeklies remaining - 24
APs earned today - none
The leek and apple bake was absolutely scrummy-licious! I cored and sliced an eating apple, and fried it gently in one tspn olive oil, with a good sprinkling each of cinnamon and nutmeg. Then I added the sliced leek and cooked the whole lot on a low heat together for another 5 mins until the leeks were soft. I added one tbspn cream and 2 cheese triangles, mixed it all up until the triangles had melted, tipped it into a dish and kept it warm until we were ready. You could use real grated cheese, no cream - whatever you fancy really, and I think it would be nice turned into a gratin with breadcrumbs on top, but my version today cost me 2PP - one for half a tbspn of cream and one for the cheese triangle, and oh yep - another one PP for the oil, as I tend to use that quite often instead of fry-lite, but it would work without. Yum yum!
Although I've had a lot of weeklies today I'm still feeling peckish, so there may be something else to add before the end of the evening.
We will be out for two meals in the evenings this week - probably Tues and Weds, so I'll need to pick very carefully for those. On the remaining three days the plan is to stick to dailies, maybe just a very few weeklies, to leave the rest of my weeklies for the meals. We're also probably going to the pictures tomorrow late afternoon, but I've already cooked a chicken, lentil and bean curry to go in the slow cooker for when we get home, so we won't be tempted, and have tried out some sugar free jelly sweets by mixing a sugar free lime and raspberry jelly together, and setting with minimal amount of water - hopefully that will give me some jelly 'sweets' for the cinema!