Gold Member
Well done for starting to count again. I haven't quite got that far but am planning to start tomorrow. I think just writing things down really does help as you can't hide from what you are eating that way. I dont think I have gone crazy with food over christmas but when I really really start to think about it there is all the tiny tastes of cheese or ham, the amaretto coffee, the single chocolate while walking past and that all adds up.
I'm quite surprised by the points in the supermarket chinese as well, that's not *too* bad really, was it nice? The dessert sounds lush, chocolate and cherries are one of my favourites. One of the things lurking around which is going to be most hard to resist is the yearly box of marks and spencers dark chocolate cherry brandies that my grandparents buy me every christmas. Mmmmm. I think they are only 47 calories per chocolate so one or two wouldn't be totally prohibitted but its the stopping at one or two that gets tricky isn't it??
When are you back at work? I was in on Monday and back tomorrow. Really not looking forward to going back to a 5 day week next week
I think you're right - it is the 'little things' that pile on the points - not necessarily the meals themselves.
The chinese was OK - the duck in plum sauce was very tasty, and so were the spring rolls (sometimes they can be a bit slimy, but these weren't), the chicken with spring onion and ginger was a bit bland IMO. Overall it was good, but not great. I find the sauces in these kind of supermarket dishes are often quite gloopy, but this wasn't so bad, which was a bonus.
My mum always used to get a box of cherry brandy liqueurs for Christmas - haven't had them for ages!
I'm lucky as I work in a high school, so not back to work until next week - we have a 'training' day on Monday, and the kids are back on Tuesday