Gold Member
Sunday 24th September
Bit of a silly day food wise today - within PP but not very sensible! Well that's one of the things I love about WW - I can fit those kind of days in. Had a good start - got up and cooked the Turkey Crown in the Halogen Oven, ready for roast din-dins, but then had such a lazy day we couldn't be bothered to do the rest of the meal. So the Turkey Crown is in the fridge ready for tomorrow and Pizza Muffins it is!
Breakfast - Toast and jam - Total 10PP- 2 pieces w/m bread (4PP), scraping (one tspn) of butter on each (2PP), 3 tspns apricot jam (4PP)
Lunch - French Fries and Cheese - Total 5PP - One packet 'French Fries' (2PP) 1oz Brie with chilli (3PP)
Tea - 'Pizza Muffins' - Total 13PP - 1 and a half toasted muffins (7PP), 2oz cheddar (6PP), scraping tomato puree (0PP), one chopped onion (0PP) herbs and dried chilli and garlic (0PP), 2 chopped olives (0PP), cherry toms (0PP), one banana (0PP), one nectarine (0PP)
Drinks - one coffee with cream (2PP), NAS squash, green tea,
Totals so far - 30PP, 29 dailies and one weekly used
Weeklies remaining 1!
APs earned today - none, APs for week so far 9
Hopefully I will avoid the snack monster tonight, but he is lurking in every room at the moment! Going to have a look at a free Armenian Cookery book I downloaded for Kindle from Amazon. (Is looking at cookery books the best thing to do when avoiding the snack monster?
) I remember several years ago making an Armenian soup with dried Apricots and (I think) mushrooms and lentils and it was gorgeous, so I'm interested to have a look at the recipes. Also got a Phillipino/Fillipino (sp?) one and a Cajun cuisine sampler, plus a Caribbean dessert one to get through and see what I can adapt to make WW friendly. Cookery Bliss!
Bit of a silly day food wise today - within PP but not very sensible! Well that's one of the things I love about WW - I can fit those kind of days in. Had a good start - got up and cooked the Turkey Crown in the Halogen Oven, ready for roast din-dins, but then had such a lazy day we couldn't be bothered to do the rest of the meal. So the Turkey Crown is in the fridge ready for tomorrow and Pizza Muffins it is!
Breakfast - Toast and jam - Total 10PP- 2 pieces w/m bread (4PP), scraping (one tspn) of butter on each (2PP), 3 tspns apricot jam (4PP)
Lunch - French Fries and Cheese - Total 5PP - One packet 'French Fries' (2PP) 1oz Brie with chilli (3PP)
Tea - 'Pizza Muffins' - Total 13PP - 1 and a half toasted muffins (7PP), 2oz cheddar (6PP), scraping tomato puree (0PP), one chopped onion (0PP) herbs and dried chilli and garlic (0PP), 2 chopped olives (0PP), cherry toms (0PP), one banana (0PP), one nectarine (0PP)
Drinks - one coffee with cream (2PP), NAS squash, green tea,
Totals so far - 30PP, 29 dailies and one weekly used
Weeklies remaining 1!
APs earned today - none, APs for week so far 9
Hopefully I will avoid the snack monster tonight, but he is lurking in every room at the moment! Going to have a look at a free Armenian Cookery book I downloaded for Kindle from Amazon. (Is looking at cookery books the best thing to do when avoiding the snack monster?