My 50 Day Challenge

I don't know about all of your technical calculations and stuff, but it looks like you're doing well, so just keep positive and keep chipping away at it! xxx
Thanks Rose!

Today I felt weird and disoriented (ah oh!), thought it was the start of some awful flu, but I perked up around 4pm, and thought oh heck it and decided to lift some weights. I'm looking forward to when I have time (and energy!) to lift 3 or 4 times a week - that will be super.

Danged bike did not arrive and is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, when I will be out boohoo. Hopefully they wont leave it with the neighbours, which is unlikely I guess. Hmm Hmm. Ah yeah:

Day 22 (omg already)
Weight: 273lbs, urgh down 1lb on this time last week, still it is better than +1lb.
Diet- P:263.68, C:219.65, F:48.67, Calories: 2371.35, hey hey hey - very happy with this today :)

My lower back has been twinging (old old injury), so I decided to skip deadlifts today, which made it a very short workout! Still a lot of fun though:

Behind head shoulder press (barbell): 6x45kg, 6x50kg (I think I will try 52.5kg next week for both sets as it was a little too easy).
Push Press barbell: 6x52.5kg, 6x52.5kg (This was easy too, but im conscious of not wanting to go too heavy. Since I can't do this in a cage it's a fairly 'dangerous' exercise. I think I will do two sets with 57.5kg and then try a few doubles a little heavier.
Shoulder raises: 8x8.5kg, 8x8.5kg (I think +1kg next week).
Hi Lift,

Flu-like often mean that your are now close to be all detoxed and healthy so take it at as a good sign (I hope).

Wow, 22 days and still working hard. Good for you - and for all us following you. That is SOOO impressive :)

Hope you feel a bit better today :)
yes, all those lbs add up, so yay for the lb off!

Oh fingers crossed you get your bike safely. It might be returned to the sorting office and you can collect it in your own time?

Look after your back ;)
Have a great day! :) :) :) :)

( I too have just survived day 22 :eek:)
Just quickly had a look through the thread, you're doing really well Lift - nearly half way there! :D
Thanks Everyone!

Blowfish - Thank you for your kind comments! I hope it is my body detoxing :) It probably needs it after all the years of alcohol and takeaway food :D

Rose - Thankies :) I do feel a bit better today, probably not helped by having to get up at 5.50am hehe. The bike didn't arrive in my absence (woohoo!) so it will hopefully arrive tomorrow or thursday xD so very excited!!! Can't believe it's day 23 now - we are both doing super :)

7 - Thank you :) Half way (yay!), once I get back from holiday I will pick another date and start a new challenge... probably around 100 days!

Hope everyone is awesome and doing well today :)

Today I ordered some more supplies:

(1) protein powder (very low carb&fat of course)
(2) multivitamins
(3) protein bars (they are actually flapjacks).

I am excited about the flapjacks, as I haven't had them before and the last time I tried protein bars (4-5 years ago) they tasted awwwwful, and were a real struggle to get down. If I can find (or if there is) a relevant section I will write a short review on them.

Once they arrive my breakfast will be:

1 scoop of protein powder & 1 protein bar, which works out as:

Protein: 42.8g, Carbs: 37.9g, Fat:8.1g, Calories: 395.7

Pretty awesome and well balanced, and with very little fuss :) It may not seem like many calories to start the day with, but I typically spend the first two hours of the day either in the car or sat at my pc answering e-mails/working on something, which isn't very energy intensive!

Day 23
Weight: 273
Diet-P:195,C:196,F:82, Calories:2300 - Okay I guess, calories a touch too high, and too much fat and not enough protein - this should get easier once my supplements arrive.
Exercise: not today, so tired :(
Hope you had an early night Lift and caught up with some sleep :)

Good luck with your flapjack bars, I know what you mean about getting excited about foods, I couldn't wait to try a sugar free jelly I bought the other day, just because it was something a little different from my usual fruit :eek: LOL

Oh, :8855: I'm searching for a knitting pattern to knit you the lovely christmas jumper that you mentioned on my thread :D :D :D :D ...on second thoughts, maybe you would be better and quicker buying one!!! ;)

have a good day tomorrow and the rest of the week :)
Hi Rose :) Thanks I did have a really good sleep last night (9 hours woohoo!) - I'm sure the jumper would be lovely and snazzy hehe :D

Talking of clothes I have so many that don't fit, first amongst those I am looking forward to wearing again is a nice jacket I bought, but was just a little to snug around the midsection. Hmm. Really should have taken it back lol.

Today the bike arrived (Hurrah!). And I had a lot of fun on it :), but wow it is hard work.

Day 24
Weight:272.5 (lowest so far woop).
Diet- P:184.9, C:187, F:53.87, Calories: 1967 -(Oo a little low, again, supplements arrive tomorrow hopefully)

20mins cycling, 133kcal
25Mins cycling (Programme1,Starting@Level1)-9.6km, 242Kcal

Total: 375 (nice how that worked out lol).

So tomorrow, I have to work a bit harder and see if I can't get 500 kcals off (yikes).

Edited - Calories
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Oh, I saw a Maltesers advert, now I want to eat a big box
Slap your wrist you naughty girl. You don't need them. What you need is a YOU that YOU love:p Well done on the bike, I can't ride for toffee, it hurts too much:eek:
I feel better now that I'm not the only one who 'originally' assumed you were female ;)

well done on resisting chocolate craving, wednesday must be craving day as maisie had a chocolate craving last night too :)

i did read last night that apparently you should give in to a chocolate craving as a diet should never be all or nothing!!!

Unfortunately I HAVE to do all or nothing, so no treats for me ;)

Those adverts are tempting though aren't they? I suppose that's the whole idea :)

have a good day and good luck with the bike :D
No problem with your posts Lift :)

I just assumed a sexist view when I first started to chat to you :eek: ;)

Now I know different and I am very aware of 'screening' new posters to make sure I have the gender right before I reply to them :D

Hope your day continues on a good vibe :)
Hehe thanks Rose :)
I am hoping the Desperate Dan avatar will help :D
(I could really go for a Desperate Dan sized cow pie!)

I think I'm going to post half my day now and then edit it later (procrastinating lol).

Day 25
Weight: 271 (Woohoo!)
Diet-P:249.75 , C:223.45 , F:87.07 , Calories:2676.43

Just cycling today, three lots.

1. Fasted-state (8am boooo :p): 15mins, 5.6km, 143Kcal
2. 15mins, 5.6km, 129Kcal
3. 29mins&53seconds, 12km, 240Kcal

Total: 59mins&53seconds, 23.2km, 512Kcal

My legs hurt, alot, reckon tomorrow will be a rest day lol.
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This is a nice point at which to summarise the last 25 days, here's the exercise -

15 Exercise Days and 10 Rest Days as follows:

5 Resistance Sessions (3 Shoulders/Lower Back & 2 Chest Upper Back) & 12 Cardio Sessions

Walking: 13.93 Miles, 5 Hours 23 Minutes
Bag Work: 53 Minutes
Step ups: 1400, 1hr 8minutes, 30seconds
Cycling: 1Hour 44 Minutes, 53 Seconds

Diet Summary:

Protein: Min 154.7g, Max 273.40g, Mean 223.14g
Carbs: Min 158.9g, Max 295g, Mean 219.82g
Fat: Min 39.5g, Max 89.9g, Mean 66.54g
Calories: Min 1967.12, Max 2855, Average 2370.71

Also attached is a nice graph I made showing how my weight has fluctuated over the last 25 days. Interesting stuff eh?


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