Day 15
Diet-P:273.4, C:247.1, F:68.7, Calories: 2700
One Arm Dumbbell Row: 10x21, 10x21 (+1.25next week)
Bench Press & EZ Curl Superset:12x30&[23.5x6], 6x62.5&[23.5x6],6x62.5&[23.5x6] (BenchPress+5kg, EZ Curl +1.5kg next week)
Overhead Tricep Press: 8x21, 8x21 (up 1.5kg next week)
After this some cardio:
150 step-ups (7mins&3secs) ->3mins light bag work -> 100 step-ups (4mins&55secs)-> 3mins light bag work -> 50 step-ups(2mins&30secs) -> 3mins light bag work.
Comments/Thoughts: Had a fun and productive day. I ate very clean today (I do most days, but today was super): rice, chicken, fish etc. I didn't get any fruit and veg in.. but I did take my multi-vitamin.
Exercising was a lot of fun today, I sweated buckets (ewww) and felt like I got a great workout
I've been thinking a lot about the future and I think most of all I'm looking forward to when I get to try and build some muscle again (this time next year? December 2012?)... and can work on putting up some big squat and deadlift numbers. But that's a long way off, for now, I'm just happy I haven't woke up drunk in the last two weeks (that sounds awful - lol) and can get up the stairs without wheezing.
Thanks to everyone who reads and posts in my thread, your support means a lot