My 50 Day Challenge

Keep at it girl :)

If you hadn't given in to the toast earlier, you would only be craving and thinking about it all day!

I'm sure the rest of the day will go your way.

p.s. I had toast and banana for brekkie too :)
Thanks so much everyone for your comments and for following my progress! I think I should probably point out that I'm male hehe :) also I'm 24!

Here is my day!

Day 7




P: 242.3
C: 254.89
F: 81.1


Today was my second lifting session, i took it easy again!

One Arm Dumbbell Row: 10x20, 10x20 - next week up 1kg
Flat Benchpress&EZ-Curl Supersets: 10x30 & 6x22.5, 6x50 & 6x22.5, 6x60 & 6x22.5 - Bench: 62.5kg next week for both worksets, Ezcurl: up 1kg
Overhead Tricep Press: 8x20, 8x20 - up 1kg next week


Workout was kinda lame, gonna have to ramp up the intensity next week and add a few extra sets of something! Ate a little too much today (or will have when the day ends), but hey these things happen.

I'm getting a little worried about myself, someone suggested eating cake today and the thought stirred up some pretty powerful emotions - anger mostly but a touch of guilt to. That doesn't seem healthy ah well.
Working out on Sunday, good for you! I'm reading a great book at the moment - improve your life with CBT - it's great at teasing out where our negative emotions come from etc so you might want to take a look at that if you can find time!

A nice fresh week about start, hope it goes brilliantly for you!
Working out on Sunday, good for you! I'm reading a great book at the moment - improve your life with CBT - it's great at teasing out where our negative emotions come from etc so you might want to take a look at that if you can find time!

A nice fresh week about start, hope it goes brilliantly for you!

Thank you!!! Hope you have a great one to!:eek:
Hi bex, Thank you! :)

Day 9

Weight 275.5
Diet - P: 154.7, C: 181, F: 82.7, Calories:2087.1
Exercise: None - :'( another "forced" rest day

Comments/Thoughts: Ooooh diet all went wrong today, forgot to eat, ate the the wrong things etc, I was so busy - still got a lot of work done and met most of my non-diet and exercise related objectives so that's something. Tomorrow should be a lot better

Ooops so sorry :eek:

that was very sexist of me to assume you were female :)

it's great to see males on here too, and in my eyes they ALWAYS do so well.

Good luck, you are doing brilliantly!
Back for a quick read of how things are going - and I am really impressed. 20% of the time gone and you are still working hard :talk017:

I love that you are focusing on more exercise and better food instead of weight. So well done - and good luck with the next 40 days.
Thanks guys!

I weigh myself everyday first thing in the morning, for me it takes away the worry and stress of a "weigh in day". Today was hectic again, but tomorrow I will get through some good hard exercise!

Day 10 (woohoo!)

Weight: 276
Diet: P:193.21, C: 243.9, F: 76.22, Calories: 2434
Exercise: None :(

Comments/Thoughts: 20% of the way there and I feel I'm starting to get a little complacent, going to really go for it tomorrow !
Thanks guys!

I weigh myself everyday first thing in the morning, for me it takes away the worry and stress of a "weigh in day". Today was hectic again, but tomorrow I will get through some good hard exercise!

Day 10 (woohoo!)
Weight: 276
Diet: P:193.21, C: 243.9, F: 76.22, Calories: 2434
Exercise: None :(

Comments/Thoughts: 20% of the way there and I feel I'm starting to get a little complacent, going to really go for it tomorrow !
You're doing really well;) Soon be there in no time.
Thanks :) I had a really nice day and I'm feeling positive again!

Day 11

Weight: 273.75
Diet-P:241, C: 295 (ooops), F: 79, Calories: 2855

Stiff leg deadlift: 6x30, 6x50, 6x50 (+5 next week)
Behind Head Shoulder Press: 6x42.5, 6x42.5 (+2.5 next week)
Push Press: 6x50, 6x50 (+2.5 next week)
Raises: 8x7, 8x7 (+1.5 next week)

Later on in the day I did some cardio - a friend recommended trying step-ups, so I did 500 step-ups (24mins) using the first step on my stairs, i might buy a proper box because it was pretty good fun :)

Well, when I say fun... it was actually very difficult towards the end and i needed a really good sit down after!

Hope everyone is good x :)
Keep going Lift, there is no stopping you now! :)

Wow, weighing yourself every day! :eek: I had to ask hubby to hide the scales (on a previous diet) to stop me doing that :8855:

So glad it works for you and keeps you focused. Have a great weekend :)