Woooo congratulations carla
'i;m happy in my own skin'
That is just the most awesome thing to say - i cannot wait until that day - the relief that you must feel!
What does it feel like?? I bet you are just so happy all the time?
Welll done you have been amazing, please carry on posting even though 'you're done!!'
LOL! Well, I wouldn't say happy all the time but not feeling like 'OMG, I'm so fat, I hate myself.' yes, I still grab the belly fat & love handles but I look a damn sight better than I did! I'm going to get some slimming kecks this week & hopefully will feel better when I'm dressed up, it's the baby belly that bothers me most, but short of a tummy tuck, I'll never have a flat tum no matter what I weigh! Carrying a 9lb 10oz baby in there has wrecked it, lol.
I will carry on, I like rambling away on here, my friends and family at home are sick of hearing about food & diets, lol.
You will get there! It's taken me a long time but persevere & never give up!
Yeah, I'm more interested in food than men, too girls, lol!
Right, my weekend, baked the Jammie Dodger & planned to have 2 but went a bit mad, think it was that in my head I thought 'I don't need to lose any more weight, I can relax a bit now' and the obsessive side of me 'OMG, I haven't eaten for months!' kicked in & I ate 6

Really wasn't pleased with myself, it really threw me too because it wasn't emotional, because I was bored or p'd off, it was simply
Skipped my chicken to try & limit the damage & was going to do an hours kickboxing but I took 2 dulcolax earlier in the day & I had chronic belly ache so didn't end up doing any.
Managed to stay away from the rest of the biscuits all weekend, picked at a few things but not more than 200 cals per day I'd say, just a bit here & there, had a creme egg yesterday & didn't enjoy it!! Can you believe it! So I gave the other one to SO.
Had a nescafe skinny mocha this morning & didn't enjoy that either, what's going on!! I did forget to put sweetener in but it wouldn't have made that much difference. Maybe I've killed some bad habits here

if only I hadn't enjoyed the biscuits!!
The scales had come down a lb Saturday morning, to 9.3.5 (even after biscuitgate!) and were the same Sunday, but this morning they jumped back up to 9.4.5, grr! must have been the creme egg, or the carbs catching up with me! You never escape unscathed!!

So, like an idiot I had a 88cal WW toffee bar to punish myself, silly Carla!!!! I'm annoyed at myself for doing that! What will that solve?! Nothing.
So... I'm going to be focused again this week. I said I would finish strong and I'd better pull my socks up & do it!! No more messing
I think too that it's hard because most of the compliments have stopped, people dont ask how I'm doing, I suppose becuase I look like I'm done & I am done, but when you have 8 weeks of constant compliments you kind of get used to them & now I'm like a little kid wanting the attention back!
I don't think it helped being on a loose 810 plan, I think I need structure & to stick to exactly what I am allowed to suceed. That's where I went wrong. I need to do CD whilst I've got the stuff and then have treats when I'm on WW & can point them, they don't mix! So, I'm going to finish this week 810 & then do 1000 for a week then do WW. I don't think doing 1000 for 2 weeks will benefit me, my heads ready to finish CD & prolonging it I think will do more harm than good. If I stick within my WW points I won't be putting fat on, any gain will be water & glycogen & I'll just have to deal with it!
Oh, and SO's brother is safe and back home, thank God
Have a great day guys!