Afternoon all & Merry Christmas!!
Well since December the 1st I have pretty much eat and drunk like the world is ending. My plan about damage limitation, still doing my exercise and still posting a lot have gone totally out of the window. It's been damage all the way!!
Ive worked pretty much all Christmas week

so even that has made me go crazy by rewarding myself with all the worst foods imaginable, so it's not just a week off ive had, its a month...
The result of this is, I'm back in my size 12 work shirts, any bones acquired have gone, my lovely waist I had acquired is now a tyre & I'm just soooooo wobbly in general.
my husband kindly? Bought me a made in Chelsea fitness DVD, new headphones and a Fitbit for Christmas, which is kinda my fault because I had dropped hints about all of I have all the weapons ready for the fight....i now just need my mind to be in fighting form.
so I felt so revolting yesterday I swore today is the day I'm back to it...after tomorrow I have 2 weeks off work, so there's no excuse having no time to cook or exercise, so I'm having a cuppa & am going to force myself to weigh. I think it's the reality check to swing me full force into getting my body back. And exactly one month today its my 40th birthday & I really want to be thin and forty!!
Will post the damage later!!!