My Countdown - 20 Weeks to go!

it's on tomorrow night the crash diet thing about LL. not sure what they're pitting it against. i'll just sky it....

no info there. just a generalised thing.
One of them is the juice diet.
It'll be interesting to see what they say about the group therapy part of LL. My friend was determined it was the best part of LL, it made her face issues, I think it gave her more issues personally but more about that in my diary, I don't want to take up room in kez's with my ponderings.
Mmmm bovril, I could do that lol...

ITS BOB TIME!!!!!!!!
just watching UKBL, speeding through the ads. on the hay bails bit.

then i'll do USBL. at least this way i can speed through the ads.
I got the two mixed up last night, mo wonder I was confused lol, doesn't take much.
The bales challenge was brilliant, poor will at the end. They should have given them the extra 5lbs. They would have made their weekly target then.
Hey kez hope you have a good day today, I messed up last night had chilli :( stupid girl, I'm out of ketosis now but got better focus. Day one again lol.
You haven't lost until you give up trying! Good girl, tomorrow night you'll be back there!
Evening ladies! How are we all? :)

Kind of don't really have anything to post! Which is a bit rubbish as that probably means I only use my diary to whinge and moan! lol

Had a good day, 2 litres down, 3 coffees, porridge and strawberry shake for lunch, choc mint bar and 2 slices of chicken for tea. It's still all seeming a little too easy, I kind of feel that if I was sufferring more I would be getting better results on the scales? Which by the way haven't moved since Monday weigh in...guess I might be heading for another 3lb loss this week (if I'm lucky). Still, I've accepted now that 3lb a week is all good. That puts me in line for my dress and thats all that matters!

Just been having a sort out, catching up with bills etc etc. January sucks! Plus we just got our electric bill through £300 and we had to get the septic tank emptied £250 and my vets bill came through £160. So, just when I though I had started to clear the overdraft and might actually stay in the black for once, nope...we're right down in the red again! Never mind, through scrimping and saving we managed to clear £7k of debt last year so we are in a much better position than this time last year.
I don't get paid until Monday and January has been the longest month ever!!!! I'm just really lucky to be able to save £100 on petrol by being off work, and also haven't had my usual access to the shops so have spent less. But by being off I'm also losing £750 in pay so March will be a very tight month.

Sorry I'm in a bit of a moany mood lol. I'm going to watch will my crash diet kill me'?
Don't you get any sick pay, or just statuatory?
I get sick pay but we have to do rotad overtime too so I won't get paid for that but never mind I'm quite enjoying being off.
I'm in the same position- the lovely people at work decided to pay us a week early for Christmas which has meant waiting for 6 weeks till payday!! Its tomorrow so can finally sort out my monies!!

Kez, my scales haven't moved since Monday either and doubt that they will now as have had 2 tetras and 2 bars andchicken today! Just can't control myself :-( xx
Stay strong Kimmi, we were saying exactly the same thing last week. Then we both dropped for weigh in, so we've just got to stick to it and hopefully our efforts will be rewarded!

Don't worry, last night I had 2 slices of chicken and a cheese string and today I've had 4 slices of chicken.
Did you hear that. 4 and a half stone in 16 weeks! It's possible!