I've just restarted today too and also know the food beast, the little voice that says its ok to have another biscuit today, or extra toast but start tomorrow, but after reading a post on here yesterday I realise I've been looking at cd the wrong way. I've been eating like I'll never eat again, or like I'll be deprived forvever which I realise is the wrong way to look at it.
I'm deprived now because I stay in because my clothes are too tight, I'm miserable because I'm unfit and I go to bed every night hoping I'll do better tomorrow. At least getting back to cd, I'm 'choosing' to give it a try. Then after I've lost the weight, I'll re introduce food but not eat instead of feeling my emotions. Try to stop thinking of your last of everything, it's not forever its just whilst it's not working for you. You can do it!!