My Diary - 2013

Waow it doesn't rain but it pours huh. Know what its like looking after everyone. Be good to yourself and get rest or you'll end up sick xxxx

Hope your Dad is on the mend. Terrible news to hear.

I kno Laura right?! Hopefully that's our bad luck over with now.
Dads not too bad Sinéad. Just a pain all the running is left to me. Anyone would think I was an only child!!!
Her sweetheart it's about time your bad luck run out, I think you've had enough bad things happen lately to last you a life time.
Hope you are ok, careful you don't burn yourself out xxxx
Morning all..
So weekend wasn't great for me.. Well it was for me, but not for my SW plan...
Saturday I had an unplanned night out.. I hadn't had ANY syns before going out.. But drank lotz.. Then had a chinese on the way home.. oops..
Was back on plan yesterday.. Until the night time when I had 3 squares of Cadbury Tiffin bar.. A pack of lidl onion rings and a pack of lidl cheese puffs..
WI is tomoro so gona try have a superspeed dinner tonight and hopefully some damage limitation will help...
Hello Huni,

Sounds like you had an enjoyable weekend (not SW enjoyable) but enjoyable for you and think you defo needed that after all your back luck!!! hope you feel better for having some "you" time and letting your hair down a bit!

Good Luck for WI! How's Stringer? How's Jono's arm?.....should just ask how the invalids are lol!! xxxx
Hello Huni,

Sounds like you had an enjoyable weekend (not SW enjoyable) but enjoyable for you and think you defo needed that after all your back luck!!! hope you feel better for having some "you" time and letting your hair down a bit!

Good Luck for WI! How's Stringer? How's Jono's arm?.....should just ask how the invalids are lol!! xxxx
Hey hun.. I had a great night.. Was nice for me n Jono to go out together.. We don't do it often enough.. In fact.. I can't actually remember the last time we went out (drinking/partying) together so was long overdue...
Am having a rather emotional few days.. For no reason at all I just feel like crying.. I need a good "breakdown" I think in order to destress...
How was your weekend? xx
Hey hun.. I had a great night.. Was nice for me n Jono to go out together.. We don't do it often enough.. In fact.. I can't actually remember the last time we went out (drinking/partying) together so was long overdue...
Am having a rather emotional few days.. For no reason at all I just feel like crying.. I need a good "breakdown" I think in order to destress...
How was your weekend? xx

aw that's lovely!! glad you enjoyed it!!

think you need to watch a good film and have a gd cry!!! probably everything just built up!!! im not surprised you have had loads going on recently!!

yer all good thanks hun - just chilled and enjoyed it :) xxx
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww I don't like hearing that you're sad but you've had lotsa rubbish happen the last few weeks so have a good cry if you need it. I have meltdowns every so often and pick myself up and sort myself out and feel much better for it.
Sending hugs.:)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww I don't like hearing that you're sad but you've had lotsa rubbish happen the last few weeks so have a good cry if you need it. I have meltdowns every so often and pick myself up and sort myself out and feel much better for it.
Sending hugs.:)
Thanks hunnie...
I know.. I'm odd.. But sometimes a good cry makes you feel so much better... I may let myself go tonight.. Once I'm home and in the privacy of my own home... Not good to let it happen while at work.. lol
I think its just everything that's happened and I'm feeling more and more under appreciated by Jono TBH..
I know he can't do allot to help around the house ATM and I don't expect him to do much.. But like, a simple thank you when I hand him his dinner.. Or put the knife in the sink after he's made a sandwich.. Simple things that he's capable of.. I'm not asking him to rebuild my fricken house for God's sake!!! He's well and truly taking the mick
Thanks hunnie...
I know.. I'm odd.. But sometimes a good cry makes you feel so much better... I may let myself go tonight.. Once I'm home and in the privacy of my own home... Not good to let it happen while at work.. lol
I think its just everything that's happened and I'm feeling more and more under appreciated by Jono TBH..
I know he can't do allot to help around the house ATM and I don't expect him to do much.. But like, a simple thank you when I hand him his dinner.. Or put the knife in the sink after he's made a sandwich.. Simple things that he's capable of.. I'm not asking him to rebuild my fricken house for God's sake!!! He's well and truly taking the mick

dw we all get like that!!! men especially are the cause hehe!! Steve does silly things too like get up to go to bed...."o i'll turn off the lights and put the coasters away shall i?" bugs me! but i literally said that to him the other day and he was like o sorry didnt even realise! i think sometimes they just need a gentle (or massive!!) shove to say "ermmmm do you actually want to help out"!! so dont worry feel your pain!!! Steve said to me the other day something about the washing like...."o my football stuff is still dirty, its been in the washing bin" i said "o better wash it then".....the shock on his face!!!! lol!!! so made him put the washing on for a change! .........he hasnt moaned since!!!

Ralph is the most messiest man in the world, worse than both my kids and its sooo hard coz I'm a neat freak. He worked away last week and all week my house was immaculate, he'd been in 1/2 an hour and had trashed the kitchen, all 3 parts of the living room and our bedroom. I went nuts. I'm literally like a robot now I just get on and clear up after him. :(
Ralph is the most messiest man in the world, worse than both my kids and its sooo hard coz I'm a neat freak. He worked away last week and all week my house was immaculate, he'd been in 1/2 an hour and had trashed the kitchen, all 3 parts of the living room and our bedroom. I went nuts. I'm literally like a robot now I just get on and clear up after him. :(

since we moved out im a neat freak too!!! OH went to get his hair cut and i was like yessss....dusting....hoovering....perfect perfect perfect!!! he comes home....brushes his teeth....toothpaste in the sink....towle screwed up.....lounges on the sofa....AHHHHHHHHHHHH lol!!!!! i have to be careful not to sound like an OCD nutcase!!! i just wanna say "for god sake can you just not sit down!!" haha!! xxx
All sound sound like Jono. U shud see our bedroom when he's been up to get dressed!!!! OMG!!!

Ha it's mad isn't it how they are so fricking messy just like getting dressed!!! With Steve after he's got ready for work the scene I see is .... His drawer open and socks half falling out......other drawer open with some tips hanging out .... Bed not made even though he was the last one in there!!! Controller on the floor.... Drawer were his deodorant etc left open .... Into the ensuite .... Toothpaste in the sink still ... Toothpaste lid not on properly .... And his glass of water from night before on the bedside table!! And how long does it take for me to rectify this mess .... Two minutes .... SO WHYYYYY CAN'T HE DO IT!!!! Argh lol xxxxx

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And quite fitting for this convo ....

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Ralph's got a habit of going for a pooh then a shower after I've just cleaned the toilet and bath, he leaves skids in the toilet and gross man slime in the bath and never cleans it after himself. He'll also walk in from the back with muddy boots after I've cleaned the kitchen floor and make toast after I've wiped the work surfaces over and he won't use a chopping board (I have 8) he'll just do it on the side. He's a big minger!!!
Ralph's got a habit of going for a pooh then a shower after I've just cleaned the toilet and bath, he leaves skids in the toilet and gross man slime in the bath and never cleans it after himself. He'll also walk in from the back with muddy boots after I've cleaned the kitchen floor and make toast after I've wiped the work surfaces over and he won't use a chopping board (I have 8) he'll just do it on the side. He's a big minger!!!

Literally think all men are the same!! Steve does the old sh*t shower shave so all that PLUS blooming shavings in the sink and on the glass shelf above the sink!! Er hello!! I JUST cleaned there!!! Swear if I lived on my own it would be blooming spotless!!! Even the puppy is tidier than him!!! Men!!! All useless!!! Haha

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Ha it's mad isn't it how they are so fricking messy just like getting dressed!!! With Steve after he's got ready for work the scene I see is .... His drawer open and socks half falling out......other drawer open with some tips hanging out .... Bed not made even though he was the last one in there!!! Controller on the floor.... Drawer were his deodorant etc left open .... Into the ensuite .... Toothpaste in the sink still ... Toothpaste lid not on properly .... And his glass of water from night before on the bedside table!! And how long does it take for me to rectify this mess .... Two minutes .... SO WHYYYYY CAN'T HE DO IT!!!! Argh lol xxxxx

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Ah see Emma, that's where you've gone wrong.. You've been doing it!!!! Altho I did pick up all Jono's clothes, almost his whole wardrobe I wreckon, off our bedroom floor on Sunday.. But that's coz he has a broken arm.. But I gave him a good giving out... Usually I just whinge n moan n complain n give out til he has enough n gets n does it...
Altho I did go up for my shower lastnight, into our room to get my stuff together and the bed had some of his clothes back on it.. I went down n said "are you tryna b funny?" He was like "what? what did i do?" I said "you left yer f*cking clothes all on the bed AGAIN after me tidying it up yesterday" He was up like a hot snot tidying them up WITH AN APOLOGY!!!!!!! I think I've had a breakthrough....
And quite fitting for this convo ....

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Ha ha.. LOVE IT... So saving this pic for later to show him :D
Ralph's got a habit of going for a pooh then a shower after I've just cleaned the toilet and bath, he leaves skids in the toilet and gross man slime in the bath and never cleans it after himself. He'll also walk in from the back with muddy boots after I've cleaned the kitchen floor and make toast after I've wiped the work surfaces over and he won't use a chopping board (I have 8) he'll just do it on the side. He's a big minger!!!
OMG Tracy.. he done this (the skids) ONCE when we moved in.. I don't think he'll do it again!!!
In fact, he had a very proud moment only Saturday where he came to me post poo and said "see? I'm learnin'... I waited n checked the toilet when I was finished to make sure there was no marks.. Amn't (typical Irish talk..) I good?"
I was like "Aw well done babe... It only took 20 odd years"
But all the rest he does.. not quite got thru that yet.. But little steps right?!
Literally think all men are the same!! Steve does the old sh*t shower shave so all that PLUS blooming shavings in the sink and on the glass shelf above the sink!! Er hello!! I JUST cleaned there!!! Swear if I lived on my own it would be blooming spotless!!! Even the puppy is tidier than him!!! Men!!! All useless!!! Haha

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OMG Emma.. The beard shavings... OMG... HOW THE F*CK can one shave produce so much shavings???? I can just about see my sink when he's finished.. And WHY can't they clean up after them?? Like, that's not a mess you can miss.. As for tooth brush/paste... I'm so close to shuving them where the sun don't shine I tell ya.... :mad:
OMG I'm howling with laughter here!!
I can relate to all these things!!! Bloody men
OMG I'm howling with laughter here!!
I can relate to all these things!!! Bloody men
So they are all the same then??! Great! Was hoping Jono would grow out of it.. Altho.. I guess am doing good with his "proud moment" breakthru...

OK ladies I am BORED.....