My Diary - 2013

God i'm such a good house wife.. Up.. Showered.. Dinner on for this evening.. And in work by 8:30 on the button.. Wasted I am :D
Morning all :)

Thursday, 31st January

HeA: Milk
HeB: Porridge

Pre-Brekkie: Grapefruit
Brekkie: Porridge
Lunch: Wholemeal pasta (40g) Red & green Pepper, sweetcorn, 2 bacon medalions, chicken breast, ex light mayo (1 syn)
Snacks: MullerLight Vanilla with Dark Chocolate Sprinkles. 2x mandarins. Pear. Banana
Dinner: Fish & chips SW style. Roasted parsnips.

Total Syns: 1/15
God i'm such a good house wife.. Up.. Showered.. Dinner on for this evening.. And in work by 8:30 on the button.. Wasted I am :D
Morning all :)

Thursday, 31st January

HeA: Milk
HeB: Porridge

Pre-Brekkie: Grapefruit
Brekkie: Porridge
Lunch: Wholemeal pasta (40g) Red & green Pepper, sweetcorn, 2 bacon medalions, chicken breast, ex light mayo (1 syn)
Snacks: MullerLight Vanilla with Dark Chocolate Sprinkles. 2x mandarins. Pear. Banana
Dinner: Fish & chips SW style. Roasted parsnips.

Total Syns: 1/15

Lol check you out!!!

Looks like a great day yesterday Hun well done you xxx
Lol check you out!!!

Looks like a great day yesterday Hun well done you xxx
I know.. Am just super ha..
Gotta love the slow cooker.. Pasta bolognese for tea tonight.. Wholemeal pasta, steak mince, homemade sauce YUM :D
Might even use me syns on Garlic bread :D

Well ALL my jeans are WAY too big for me.. Have been for ages but I just couldn't get in to a smaller size.. Well, this last week r 2 my jeans have stretched as they're stupidly big on me now.. I look like a kid tryna wear her Mammies clothes!
So, I went n ordered size 14 skinny (hi waiste) jeans and THEY FIT!!!!! Am rather thrilled to say the least.. In all the time I've been doing this weight loss thing I've not yet gone down an actual size.. WW said for every stone you go down a size.. Well that rule certainly didn't apply to me! 2 stone n still no change in dress size.. until now :D
Lately any clothes I've bought I've had to get a 14.. Sometimes a little tight for my liking but fits perfectly (to other ppl) but the 16's are too big... Now I know size 14 to most isn't an ideal size.. But after 2 years of dieting (with a couple of small blips) I'm over the fricken moon to have FINALLY gone down a dress size :D :D :D
That's brilliant news! And it's so motivating! Everyone's different when it comes to goin down dress sizes as they lose weight but delighted for u that u finally get to go down a size. :)

And yes you're totally wasted! ;-)

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Well ALL my jeans are WAY too big for me.. Have been for ages but I just couldn't get in to a smaller size.. Well, this last week r 2 my jeans have stretched as they're stupidly big on me now.. I look like a kid tryna wear her Mammies clothes!
So, I went n ordered size 14 skinny (hi waiste) jeans and THEY FIT!!!!! Am rather thrilled to say the least.. In all the time I've been doing this weight loss thing I've not yet gone down an actual size.. WW said for every stone you go down a size.. Well that rule certainly didn't apply to me! 2 stone n still no change in dress size.. until now :D
Lately any clothes I've bought I've had to get a 14.. Sometimes a little tight for my liking but fits perfectly (to other ppl) but the 16's are too big... Now I know size 14 to most isn't an ideal size.. But after 2 years of dieting (with a couple of small blips) I'm over the fricken moon to have FINALLY gone down a dress size :D :D :D

Aww Hun that's totally amazing well done you!!! You should be mega proud. Xxx
well done! thats fab!!! it takes me ages to go down a dress size too!!! its one thing for the number on the scales to go down but its another thing to see the number on your clothes go down!! wahooo!!! well done!!!! xxx
That's brilliant news! And it's so motivating! Everyone's different when it comes to goin down dress sizes as they lose weight but delighted for u that u finally get to go down a size. :)

And yes you're totally wasted! ;-)

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Aww Hun that's totally amazing well done you!!! You should be mega proud. Xxx

well done! thats fab!!! it takes me ages to go down a dress size too!!! its one thing for the number on the scales to go down but its another thing to see the number on your clothes go down!! wahooo!!! well done!!!! xxx
Thanks ladies..
Yea Emma it definitely is.. I'm like "OK what's going on.. Am I ALWAYS gona be a size 16?!" Hopefully before long all my size 16's will be in the charity shop and my wardrobe will be full of 14's... :D Eventually to 12's but I won't hold my breath... I just hate Jono seeing a size 16 on my labels.. I know that sounds pathetic and he most probably pays no attention to what size my clothes are.. but its just something that bothers me in my head...
Thanks ladies..
Yea Emma it definitely is.. I'm like "OK what's going on.. Am I ALWAYS gona be a size 16?!" Hopefully before long all my size 16's will be in the charity shop and my wardrobe will be full of 14's... :D Eventually to 12's but I won't hold my breath... I just hate Jono seeing a size 16 on my labels.. I know that sounds pathetic and he most probably pays no attention to what size my clothes are.. but its just something that bothers me in my head...

agree completely!!! dont even know if they understand ladies clothes sizing but get completely what you mean about hims seeing it! not that it obviously bothers him - but get what you mean! xx
agree completely!!! dont even know if they understand ladies clothes sizing but get completely what you mean about hims seeing it! not that it obviously bothers him - but get what you mean! xx
Yea you're right.. I'm sure he's totally oblivious to it not being sized the same as mens but in my head he knows.. I know its in my head, so you'd think i could get over it.. But its just one of them things for me..
Yea you're right.. I'm sure he's totally oblivious to it not being sized the same as mens but in my head he knows.. I know its in my head, so you'd think i could get over it.. But its just one of them things for me..

o yer i 100% understand!!! i think that Steve is the same!! even though i know he has no concept of clothes sizes lol!! but in my head i think he thinks "o that girls a size 10, shes an 8 and Emma's a 14" .... he doesnt think that at all..... he more thinks "right do i want mcdonalds or subway for lunch today" hahaha xxx
o yer i 100% understand!!! i think that Steve is the same!! even though i know he has no concept of clothes sizes lol!! but in my head i think he thinks "o that girls a size 10, shes an 8 and Emma's a 14" .... he doesnt think that at all..... he more thinks "right do i want mcdonalds or subway for lunch today" hahaha xxx
I don't think Jono even thinks that far ahead ha ha ha ha
just catching up, you are doing so well on slimming world. Brilliant results :)
glad also your baby is on the mend :)

i went into KK last night and spent my one4all vouchers. got a few home things in next.
just catching up, you are doing so well on slimming world. Brilliant results :)
glad also your baby is on the mend :)

i went into KK last night and spent my one4all vouchers. got a few home things in next.
Loads have said it was just a scam.. Not heard anything about it today so probably was but sure, I'd have gone mad if I'd lost that money.. Only €70 but still... :) xx
I'd rather spend it than worry about losing it. I had 40euro and my sister had 60euro. she already lost 20euro as her hubbie had a hmv voucher so she was not gonna get caught out again.
I'd rather spend it than worry about losing it. I had 40euro and my sister had 60euro. she already lost 20euro as her hubbie had a hmv voucher so she was not gonna get caught out again.

HMV are taking vouchers again now though I think. Xx
Morning all. Well, had an unplanned night out last night. Needed it. N my friend was launching a new travel company she's involved in. Those on FB will kno my dad was in an accident Friday night so was running around after him yesterday amid running round after Jono. And bringing the pup back to the vet. He's on the mend now n doesn't need to go back again. He's just not allowed out for walks for a week.
My dad on the other hand has broken a bone in his knee and his shoulder blade. Greet!!
So anyway, I had a takeaway on way home :(
Back to it 100% today tho :)