My Diary, by Coughdrops

Hey Niamh!
I'm really surprised how quick I got through my 2 bottles of squash too. Spesh as they're double concentrate or whatever so supposed to last long time. I'm tempted not to buy any for a while as I too kinda don't feel for water any more. Lol.

Loving that its light out. When I got home from work last night it was only just dark. Really puts you in a different mood.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend away! Try pad out the delicious food with some good choices and you could still see a fab loss. Failing that just get back on it Monday. Have fun xxx
Monday 10 Feb

Thanks Kay and Kimberly.

We had a great weekend away. Foodwise, I was off plan, but stuck to breakfast lunch and dinner, wasn't really pigging in between. Had some (!) drinks too...

We got back pretty late last night, but I am back on it this morning. Mon-Wed 100% on plan, and upping the SF should undo the weekend. If I managed a STS on Wed I'll be happy enough, although I LOVE a teeny loss.
Ended up doing a red day. Plan to do the same tomorrow and Wed and hopefully it will help on the scales


1 satsuma
1 banana
1 Ryvita from Hex B
coffee with milk, 1/2 syn


Scrambled egg, dash of milk 1/2 syn
2 Ryvita from Hex B
1 Mini babybel light from Hex A
side of rocket and babyleaf salad
coffee with milk, 1/2 syn


Curry made with- tin toms, onions, peppers, curry powder/spices, over sliced turkey breast (all fat removed)
side of cauliflower

Free yogurt
2 babybels from Hex A
3 Ryvita from 2nd Hex B
Ended up doing a red day. Plan to do the same tomorrow and Wed and hopefully it will help on the scales


1 satsuma
1 banana
1 Ryvita from Hex B
coffee with milk, 1/2 syn


Scrambled egg, dash of milk 1/2 syn
2 Ryvita from Hex B
1 Mini babybel light from Hex A
side of rocket and babyleaf salad
coffee with milk, 1/2 syn


Curry made with- tin toms, onions, peppers, curry powder/spices, over sliced turkey breast (all fat removed)
side of cauliflower

Free yogurt
2 babybels from Hex A
3 Ryvita from 2nd Hex B

Don't you get 2 HeA's too? Which means you've got 15 syns!!??
Trying Red again today, so far so good

2 Ryvita from Hex B
Cheese from Hex A
Coffee with milk 1/2 syn

2 eggs scrambled with ham and cheese (HexA) mixed through
Big serving of Rocket Salad
2 Ryvitas from Hex B

2 litres water

Mid afternoon

Coffee with milk 1/2 syn

Not sure what dinner is going to be yet... watch this space!
Hi coughdrops, your diary looks really healthy, full of fibre and hex's :) . I wanted to make mushroom stroganoff for dinner, its a sw recipe but will have to wait till tomorrow, the soup I made yesterday is never ending, I could feed the whole street and I'll still have leftovers, it keeps growing in the pan :D. Do you buy the sw mag for recipe ideas ?

Kay xx
Hi Kay

I've loads of mags here, but normally don't do much with the recipes. I like the stories instead :eek: Food wise I am going to have to look at trying new stuff especially if I want to do more Red days. Can't keep having eggs for lunch, although they are delicious... my dad and stepmum keep chickens so the eggs we get are fresh from them.

I must make up some soup, the last batch I made was a bit grim so it put me off a bit for a while. But it so filling and warm... especially on days like today. We've snow!
Hi Kay

I've loads of mags here, but normally don't do much with the recipes. I like the stories instead :eek: Food wise I am going to have to look at trying new stuff especially if I want to do more Red days. Can't keep having eggs for lunch, although they are delicious... my dad and stepmum keep chickens so the eggs we get are fresh from them.

I must make up some soup, the last batch I made was a bit grim so it put me off a bit for a while. But it so filling and warm... especially on days like today. We've snow!

I'm in London the weather here is terrible too but lucky we don't have snow. So I guess it's ideal soup weather :) . I used to do red days last year and they really worked for me. I don't know if you use the SW website a lot but they have some yummy quick recipes on there, if you want to try something new. I'm a bit on a budget at the mo, so can't afford all their lovely cook books or even the mags every month, so I get a lot of free recipes from there. They have quite a few listed for red days too. Hope you find something scrummy to cook for your dinner tonight :p.

Kay xx
Thanks Kay!

Have to nip out to shops, but will be sticking to the small local supermarket. Don't fancy driving farther away in the snow, so will have to make do with their limited choice. Should be able to get some chicken, and I've plenty of veg etc here.

We're in middle of country, nothing outside except sheep!
Dinner ended up being:

Chopped up chicken breast and left over ham
2 chopped up peppers
all coated with BBQ sauce (SW recipe I got from on here)

On the side I had some turnip wedges and some rocket (have to finish off the bag before it wilts!)

For a snack I had a bag of Snax - 4.5 syns

That's 5.5 syns for today, and still have 2 Ryvita from Hex B that I can pick at in front of TV.

tonight I made a Rocky Road tray bake, and didn't even lick the spoon. *smiles smugly*
Wednesday AGAIN... doesn't time fly?

Morning campers!

It is ROTTEN out here, snow is turning to sludge, with howling wind and bucketing rain/sleet/snow. Yuck! Glad I am working from home today! Hubby text me from work to say car wipers packed in on his way over. FFS. Hopefully not going to be a big job to fix. Also hoping it's not raining when he has to come home ;)

So, weigh in day again my lovelies... feeling ok I think. Last couple of red days have helped me get back on track so kinda looking forward to seeing if I managed a loss. Keeping food pretty light before W/I- had a yogurt and banana for brekkie, lunch is going to be left overs from last night's dinner, maybe with a ryvita. Pounding the water as I type!

Our consultant text this morning, due to bad weather she's starting/ending group earlier tonight, which will be nice. Should be done and dusted by 6 and back home for (undecided) dinner. Wed night I usually go over my syns :eat:
Goodluck for weigh in tonight hun :). You've been so good all week, hope you come back with a fab loss !

Kay xx
Yea come on Niamh- give me some good news!!

I was down 3 LBS

You've probably read it on the Wednesday Weighers thread already... I didn't get a chance to come on here and update *all* the threads I seem to have to report to (overshare much, moi??) because after W/I I went to my mam's to see my sister. She lives 4.5 hours away so she's just home for a few days. We had some wine and a chipper tea, but hey-ho...

I am attributing my loss to Red Days, so definitely going to do more of those.
3 lbs!?!! Thats absolutely wonderful news!!!
Might have to try me some of those red days myself!!!
Have a great day xxx
I was down 3 LBS

You've probably read it on the Wednesday Weighers thread already... I didn't get a chance to come on here and update *all* the threads I seem to have to report to (overshare much, moi??) because after W/I I went to my mam's to see my sister. She lives 4.5 hours away so she's just home for a few days. We had some wine and a chipper tea, but hey-ho...

I am attributing my loss to Red Days, so definitely going to do more of those.

Yay ! :p Well done coughdrops, that's a fab loss hun :bliss:go red days !!! :D Hope you have a fabulous week !

Kay xx
How is it Monday again??

After ANOTHER weekend of partying- I swear I've had more on in last few weeks that I did most of last year- I went back on Red days yesterday. Had no syns til about 9pm then had 2 glasses of wine and milled through some Haribo with DH. *sigh* Not too bothered though, had a great weekend.

Back on it today, 100%. Red day today tomorrow and Wed. * week too though, so between that and the embarrassing amount of food/booze consumed over the wknd, I am fully expecting a gain on Wed.

Hope y'all had a nice weekend x