Again, i have started today with a shake and will try and 810 again.
never ever give up trying leeds. i tell my daughter that you don't have to come first you just have to finish the race. life is the race. no prizes for coming first but many rewards for taking part and finishing the things you start.
i've been so on the go at times like today that i feel pushed for time
today was a gym day so i dropped off ems at school, popped to my mum's house and filled the water thing up in the car. took dude to the gym for creche at 9.30am. then it was my gym session, core 30 mins, running 40 mins then zumba 1 hr (1001 cals burnt).
i got to my parent's house for 12.15 as my dad picked up ems from school. fed dude, emily and myself. took him to nursery. came home and picked up my shopping list.
went to asda with devil child who drove me round the bend. came home and put it away. darted off to the post office to post a parcel for hubby. got the car washed. had a shower (first available time slot but was having my hair done so fit in well). i then went to the hairdressers.
i then popped into a local community ctr to find out about the time that zumba is on on fridays there. was shut

, the off back to the post office to pick up a parcel as it wasn't there until 4pm.
picked up dude, came home, cooked mince and dumplings with veg and mash for the kids. had my salad for tea and it's now 6.20pm. kids will be put to bed at 7pm, bathed etc.
then i can relax and breath but this is the time i start picking at food, or want to pick.
i quite like being on the go as it does stop me picking. although i hate jam packed days where i'm clock watching and feel time pressurised.