Silver Member
Can't believe the op has come around so quickly!!
Good luck being 100% till then x
Good luck being 100% till then x
Hope tomorrow goes well womble, will be thinking of you xx
Delighted your operation went well and wishing you a speedy recovery.So gall bladder removed, and feeling surprisingly ok! Apart from the bad tummy, which I was warned affected most people in the couple of weeks after surgery.. But other than that, pain is minimal and I'm pretty mobile. I even managed to clear a closet at home yesterday as was so bored on bed rest...
I even got a present from the surgeon - he came to my room after the surgery saying he had something for me and I was horrified thinking he might give me back my gallbladder... the truth was only slightly less gory - he gave me a DVD of the camera view from the surgery so I can watch it at home... er, thanks. Not sure that will ever see the light of day!
Needless to say I ate totally off plan since Thursday. I was just so hungry after the operation. And thoroughly depressed at the prospect of Brexit... I've been trying to remain good and eat lots of wholegrain and fruit, but I did have a bit of a blow out last night, in preparation for going back 100% today. And my plan is to stick to this 100% until Croatia at the end of the month, and see whether I can drop another stone in that time.
Anyway, I need to place an order on the Exante website today - any tips on what people have enjoyed lately please let me know!
So I ended up being about 50% over the weekendDetermined to stick with it this week though - I have less than 4 weeks until Croatia and trying on swimsuits this weekend was just scary... Although my motivation now is about more than what I look like in a swim suit - my husband and I are going to start trying for another baby this month, so I have until I fall pregnant (if I fall pregnant) to lose as much as possible before I move onto a sensible eating plan during pregnancy. Honestly, if that doesn't keep me on the straight and narrow then I don't know what will.
Good news is that my surgery wounds are now totally healed over. I'm also joining a new gym this week which is going to cost me a lot of money but will hopefully be worth it. I've started to get a bit bored of my smaller gym and want something that offers more classes and variation, and there is a great Virgin just opposite my office. It also has a lovely pool / spa, so provided I can find a half decent swimming costume I plan on making lots of use of that!
Hope everyone else had a lovely weekend x
How exciting!!! Good luck with the baby making![]()