Grrrrr what is this Farm Foods?? We mustn't have it over here!!!
I've had a couple of fish nights this week (including tonight) and I'll have one tomorrow and Wed too - and then after my Wednesday weigh in, I'll properly start my fish week.
Well done Amy!!
Ummm now you've got me thinkingam thinking possibly kippers & smoked salmon with scrambled eggs - sounds yum! Is it possible to overdose on fish though lol?!?!
Fish is great simmered in a bit of stock with a tablespoon of low fat coconut milk and some spices like chilli and cumin. Add a splash of soy sauce and serve with rice. It's like a cheats thai style curry.
oh poop dont think ive done well this week feel great size wise but not showing on the scales (dont shout at me i know we're not supposed to look). had fish everyday 2 meals a day but i'm addicted to morning coffee biscuits and sponge fingersthey are so lush but i think its going to ruin things i'm gonna do green next week i think. I WI tomorrow at 6pm fingers crossed.
Thanks Ali*Good luck tonight hun x
Well I lost 2lb last night after my fishy week, I am pleased with that (especially as it got me my 4stone award) but got to say that's not a huge loss for me. I really enjoyed my meals though so I'm defo going to try and have a fish a bit more often.
Probabaly won't do another whole week of it though x
I feel the same hun - deffo enjoy fishy dishes but prob not a whole week of it
I am in awe of your 4 stone loss - fantastic! :talk017:
wow my curry was so filling : x2 handfuls of prawns, a whole butternut squash, thyme, fried onions in frylite and then added. 1.5 tsp of medium curry powder and salt and pepper. i also added veggies and ive enough for two people or tomorrows tea. Hubby doesnt like butternut so more for me.