Congratulations! And you're only half a pound off your 5 and a half stone!

I hope I do as well as you
Dinner last night was a bit of a fail! I attempted some sort of corned beef hash thing. Never again

It wasn't too nice!
Will count it as 1.5 syns though, as I had a small bit under a half of a tin of corned beef. OH seemed to like it so he got more!
I used the rest of my syns on meringue nests and I think I was on 11. one over what I wanted to use with going a bit over on tuesday, but I am now back to normal.

Will use 15 today probably.
Breakfast will be a salted caramel bar and a cuppa. I need to get something else in for brekky as I'm starting to feel hungry at about 11am again! I can't really keep much fruit here, though. Our fridge is pretty much out of the door (New one at the end of the month I think) and fruit doesn't hold longer than a day when out of the fridge which is a bother! I suppose I could just buy some frozen berries or something.
no idea what else I'll have for the rest of the day. I'll probably do a tomato based pasta again for lunch.. Not sure.
I'm really craving a huge bowl of krave though! Lol. I wonder how many syns that would be.