I've finally lost 2.5lbs overnight so hopefully the loses will now continue. For the past 2 days I have felt rotten but this morning I feel a bit brighter. I had really bad cravings last night for something sweet but I did not give in.
I think this is the longest I have stuck rigidly to a plan. Normally I carry on having tea and coffee and a little splash of milk.
I've just had bacon and eggs for breakfast. It's funny because when having a shake I normally wait till about 11am before having breakfast but on this plan I can't wait to tuck in.
Stay strong. Only 2 more days to go.
Morning Karen. The harcombe forum wreckon that the D&A sausages are ok for phase 1,cos I asked,but then again you've only got 1 more day and you can have them anyway !!
Good luck for day 4-am thinking if I dont loose this week I might repeat phase 1 again next week-we'll see
Well done on losses Karen, how are you feeling now? x
Aaleigha said:hope you have had a good day today
your menu ALMOST makes me want to eat meat again
Hi there
It's butternut squash cut into chip shapes and roasted with olive oil coating for about 25mins.... They are better than real chips!!!
How I'm going to resist a glass of wine tonight I do not know!! Do you think I could get away with it?????????
Yep... ;o)