Hi ya thanks for popping by. Know what your going through with exams, but I should be finished by 11th. Bet your so happy your coming back for a bit i know you missed them. Would love to meet up, if you won't be busy catching up with your family x.
See what you feel about it after the exam, but I expect you'll wanna shed a bit more for your hols. Where are you going, we need to sort out our holiday plans before ramadhan......
Good afternoon Miss Catkins, wow 2lbs off already, well done! You're doing fab. Always so positive and motivated. Loves and hugs :hug99: xx
Morning 006, depressed today, trip cancelled!!
Good luck for Friday weigh in, sounds like it's dropping off xx
hope you enjoyed your shake when you had it! glad to see you are so positive it is hard when you don't see the scale move , I know that is when I will start to find it hard
Sounds scrumious Busybusy Well done
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Don't blame u havin dem together Bet it was very tasty Sorry 2 hear Ur feelin uncomfortable Ul have 2 have some tea Sweet dreams my dear! Findin it strange being home alone wout OH
Only apart when I take d kids abroad 4 d Summer Hearin noises especially after Watchin a film with a sad endin so completely get u re being emotional Probably paranoid Will head 2 bed with a mag I just luv dem Nitey nite
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