My journey back to me

woo hoo that's brilliant, well done .. you'll easily smash into the 1st stone off next week :) xx
Another good day . Massive hunger pangs this morning . Had to buy some ham in town to calm my tum down . Felt starving for some reason. Ok after and fine now . Having swede chips tender stem broccoli and cottage pie pack looks nice actually . Tbought id post a pic lol x


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Swede chips look yummy:)
They were . 1st time ive had them :)
Mmm just had swede chips AGAIN :) as they were so yummi but had them with a dry fried duck egg this time. Mm lord it was good. Nice change :) just thought id share hehe !!
Sounds delicious!
been doing great again today ,in the groove so its pretty much easy going . I don't know whats different this time around but im feeling pretty positive and upbeat most of the time , I can get very low on vlcd but I haven't this time even though we've had 2 deaths in the family in the last few weeks . I don't know if it is but im thinking its maybe the exercise ive done this time making the difference, mm don't know but I hope to feel this good all the time :0)
Not much to report really everythings fine here. Up at 5.45 on my cross trainer so had a good 40 minutes before work
Had a shake for brekki and a ham salad for lunch just having a spicy spaghetti with mushrooms and pickles . I know random :)
Ill have a cuppa earl grey tea with a bar later x
feel crapledoodledoo today :0( not sure why , tired I think x
I am thankyou . Im just a grump with too much on at the moment. Doesnt make for a good mix :0) feeling better today but very grumpy still seems everything my poor babbas are doing is driving me nuts ... typical weekend really. Too much to do in the house and cant get it done as the kids start climbing the walls without something to do so have brouht them to a soft play to burn off some energy .
I know just how you feel , I have had a bit of a short fuse with my boys this weekend too. I think it's a combo of weather and hormones ;)
yeah everythings definitely easier with good weather , don't know if its something to do with weight loss too . im sure ive read that when you loose weight hormones are released from the fat cells where the excess has been stored , hmm don't know maybe someone out there does know . I do know I feel pmt like when ive finished totm ( well kinda , it lingers when on a vlcd)
anyway they are in bed now so I have peace finally lol :0) even my stint on the cross trainer didn't turn me back from the screeching harridian ive felt like today :dragon:. hmmm don't like feeling this low :cry:
bluegh weigh in day tomorrow , not expecting much , feeling bloated and uew so fingers crossed anyway xxx
A measly 1lb off this week . Dont know why been on the straight and narrow all week and worked out too . Hmmm miserable about it but trying to focus on the good loss I should have next week x
bleugh been trying desperately to keep myself on plan today , think the cruddy weigh in left me feeling very despondent. was reading my old paleo diary and don't think this helped at all as I felt amazing doing paleo /primal but I didn't really loose any weight , just maintained , but saying that I didn't exercise at all. so although its not been about eating off plan ive been trying really hard to talk myself out of switching . been looking at the 5:2 approach too using up packs on fast 500 kcal days and primal living rest of days but think ive come out the other end .. for now ;0) been a real struggle with myself all day but going to see what tomorrow brings and play it by ear , think ill defo try out the 5:2 approach in the future but im not ready yet , need to see more weight loss first. first time ive had such a mental war going on and don't like it all :0(
anywhooo best get myself a cuppa and truffa bar to finish off the day . hoping for a weight loss in the morning just to keep me on this path !!!
Massive hugs Sukie, just think of the great loss you will ave next week. Be careful with exercise as I read that you can only do light exercise or you run the risk of weight loss slowing down or even gaining :)
thanks lou , will try to cut down this week see if that helps at all xx