B-muffins, coffee, yoghurt
L-chicken sausage, cucumber, tomatoes
D-baked halibut, green salad
snacks - jelly, yoghurt
Tried making bns crisps - major fail. Was very impressed with myself for the way I sliced it paper thin. First batch on grease proof paper was limp but tasty, second batch on al foil burnt completely and the few pieces that didn't were super-glued to the foil. Third batch just out of oven, back to grease proof paper, lightly browned. After they've cooled I'll see how they turned out. Am thinking a food dehydrator may be a worthwhile investment...
Only 2 short walks as piriformis pain ugly today, hip throbbing. I'd like to do some yoga this evening so I'll see if I feel like it later but in any event should do the prescribed stretches to ease the pain.
Also seriously need to colour hair (read: cover gray), am still afraid to go to hairdresser and her professional strength hair colour since I lost a good 40-50% of my hair after doing CD for 5 months. May just stick with the l'oreal home job for a few more months. Now if someone would just give me a kick in the arse, as motivation of course