Words can't say how Sorry I am to hear this, You poor soul so much in such a short time, thoughts prayers for you , stay strong (((Hug)))I am devastated to let you know that again I have had to come off the diet, my lovely mum passed away early hours of tuesday morning. I had been with her sitting with her from 3.30 am Monday morning. I have been running round like a headless chicken since trying to organise everything. I am dreading tomorrow it is my father in laws funeral and it is going to be so raw for me and my kids. Bet you are doing really well and I hope to be saying that I am in the next couple of weeks.
Thank you Flower, You and your Family are in my thoughts and Prayers, hopefully things start to turn for the better soon, you all deserve a Break for the goodHey happens, I am still not back on track as sister's diagnosis was horrendous - 3 to 6 months left Back at work so should be able to take the step very shortly. Good luck for tomorrow. xx
Thanks Debbie, hope things are a little better for you,Amazing so chuffed for you Cannylad.