I have wet felted three pieces - one for a collaborative art work its about 15 x 9 and two more bits, both of a similar size = one for me to embellish and work on and one for offering to a friend with a bag of bits and a sponge and needles to embellish I do hope she likes the idea of the gift
I have loosely done a sea scape type colours to be added too as wished or not as it looks fine as it is but with addons it could look better and I think doing a joint piece is so much fun
Helen he has no objections to my wheel coming I have a traveller so not as big as my elizabeth two
here is a picture of each of them (well not my ones but similar) the traveller is the more upright one it sits on the back seat with a seat belt on

my elizabeth two is my first and I still love it but I use the traveller more as it is easier to take places with me
Dh will take his camera - all the bits to go with that take up a huge amount of space - so he will wander off on the pretext of taking pictures when I know in fact he is off for a smoke
now I so need to have a moan about my DH - I dont do it often but this particularly annoyed me
I spend a lot of time teaching my dogs a wait command - if fact our three previous dogs were so good at it I could bellow wait and a greyhound and two other sighthounds would come to an immediate stop - Rodders too used to do this - but no DH knows best he takes them for a walk and never gets them to do wait - I do it often especially at curbs - so today we are packing things into the trailer tent and Rodders takes a walk outside when I call him he looks at me but DH uses a growly voice instead of a nice one and Rodders trots off - thank god he goes on the same walk most of the time as he took himself off on a walk - Paul my lovely neighbour and his brother came to help us - but Rodders was trying to do the curricular walk to get home and get round Dh who was using a cross voice - I shouted wait and Rodders looked at me and knew he was supposed to do something he just could not remember what - but his plan worked he came home having got around DH - Rodders shook for about an hour he was so upset - its his first time alone since we had him
so while we are on holiday I will be working on the wait and 'too me' commands rather a lot and DH will just have to learn to live with it I am in charge of the dogs well being I obviously cant trust DH
so the trailer is packed all we need to put in the car are three dogs, our clothes, Kaydans bag of bits, my wheel and fibres, my gifts, DH needs his camera, oh and the bag of dog stuff
all that should easily go in the back of the car
Helen I have a shogun - DH has a cycle - I know its a big car but we do only have the one car and when I am walking about it wont get as much use I used to walk to town and back but as the knee got worse I used it more and more - soon I will be able to walk to town and back - I hope