soon to be mother of the bride
It's good to hear that the doc is pleased with your progress, in fact you are ahead of shedule !! all good stuff.
As for the diet, well I know you are eager but dont try to run before you can walk-and yes that pun was fully intended LOL
thanks for reminding me
it is good to hear and I deliberately took Dh with me so he could hear what the surgeon said - as I know I will get frustrated and try to push too hard again - ( I am looking forward to buying a nice journal to put days out in so I can see the progress over time - I will get something from everywhere we go so I can stick it in to prove I did it - a photo a ticket post card something - just so I have something lovely to look back on and then I can also remind myself if I need the other one done
Do what your doc says, you getting better and healing up is the most important thingAnd brilliant to hear how well you are doing!
I have to say as well - the comment about the sleepy puppy noises made me melt a bit hehe. Soooo cute! <3
Kaydan now has a tendency to sleep more deeply and it is then he makes cute puppy noises - I think he is dreaming pleasant thoughts as they are not frantic scared noises = perhaps he has been here long enough to do that now
so in the afternoon we took Kaydan to the vets and he has his once over - got the ok and his first injection ALL the frontline staff were brilliant and all wanted to cuddle - one of the young boys who had brought his cat in with his mum - said he was the cutest puppy ever and wanted one - BUT such a sensible boy - Mum if I prove to you I can look after kitikat properly please can we have a puppy like that - Mum just looked at him - and I said perhaps mum will THINK about it when you are older and have looked after your puss cat for a while - the lad was preening himself telling his mother his plan of action for looking after the cat -- I have to say I feel a little sorry for the cat
today I have to say I feel much better than the last couple of days
I think seeing the surgeon was going to be quite stressful for me due to my feelings of not healing - even though I am and that was stressing me out and causing the low feelings - something I can look out for in the future - I will get the rescue remedy out before such events
so positives
my mood has lifted
I am motivated to deep clean a room or two of the house (cant do it all in a day)
the sun is shining - that of course is also helping the mood
ps deep clean will be done with my new steam cleaner - as each room is done it will also be sprayed with flea stuff