Sunday 23/10/2011
1x Tin Peaches, Drained - 0pp
1x Tin WW Chicken Noodle Soup - 1pp
1x Slice, Tesco Light Danish - 1pp
MacDonald's Crispy Chicken Salad - 7pp
1x Sweet and Sour Sauce - 1pp
Medium Diet Coke - 0pp
1x Bag, WW Cheese Flavour Bites - 2pp
Morrison's Eat Smart, Chicken in Peppercorn Sauce with Roast Potatoes - 9pp
1x Small Tin Sweetcorn - 3pp
1x Tin Carrots - 0pp
WW Toffee and Honeycomb Sundae - 3pp
Total : 27pp
Was really good today as i knew i was going out for lunch with my dad (after we'd been shopping) and i didn't want to be too bad after having fish and chips yesterday so thought i'd have soup and a slice of bread before going (about 11am) then when we went to MacDonald's i would be good and just order a chicken salad ...... although that was a struggle for them !! i wish i'd just ordered a burger! the woman that served me was useless !! ..... it wasn't my local macdonalds and i won't be going there again !
i wanted a tray liner (as they have the NI on it and i wanted to see how many pp's were in which salads, as i ran out of time to look this morning) but they didn't have any (or if they did they weren't using them .... the food was just put directly onto the trays... luckily the menu on the wall has kcal posted so knew all salads were under 400kcal so would be less then 10pp!
i ordered a Crispy Chicken and Bacon Salad ..... and the woman said she'd have to go and see if they had any salad !! ..... baring in mind they sell big salads and side salads and put lettuce in nearly all their burgers i would assume that ordering a salad (that's on their menu) wouldn't have been a problem ! after a few minutes she returned and confirmed my order (crispy chicken and bacon salad) and i said yes please

.... then she asked "what dressing" i said none, but could i have a sweet and sour sauce .... as i knew i'd looked before and that was only 1pp and i didn't know what the others were ... and i love sweet and sour sauce !
then i ordered my dads and daughters meals
what i actually got was a crispy chicken salad .... no bacon, even though i ordered one with bacon and she had confirmed "with bacon"
once we'd got the food and a table i realised i wasn't given and cutlery to eat it with (or told where i would find it) so back up to the counter to queue again! ... to be told they are now where straws and serviettes are ... or at least they are in this restaurant ! ...... got back to the table, no sweet and sour sauce ... back up to queue again! ... back to table, no bacon on the salad ! ... F**K IT i'll do without, i was hungry and didn't have the patience to queue up and ask this woman again !! my chicken was already going cold and my salad getting hot! .... definitely not good customer service and i felt like an awkward customer for ordering a salad off their menu instead of burger and chips !
i won't be going back there again and really feel like writing a letter of complaint to their manager ! ..... if they can't cope with doing anything that's not burger and chips then they shouldn't put it on the menu ! .... and a few manners from their front of house staff wouldn't go amiss ! .... even an apology for forgetting the sauce wouldn't have hurt ! rather then huffy behaviour for having to make her walk 2 steps from her till to get it !