Gold Member
Life's a tough old ***** sometimes Charly, but you WILL come out of this stronger, wiser and happier. Oh yes .... and thinner! 
Have a great day
P x
Have a great day
P x
WI tomoz crapping my pants!! i wouldn't mind so much if i had cheated this week but i havent i just feel fat, my belly feels podgy this week it's wierd!
officially hate babysitting! i think i actually prefer working lol. well nothing else to report today got a nice phonecall from my mate from bk home and am really gutted as i am going to have to miss my great nephews christening now as was going to get a lift with my brother and his rabble up country but they obviously aint going now, i bought a new dress and everything, oh well maybe i need to get another date so i can wear it! its really cute actually might just wear it out on a glam day (you know, where you get glammed up for no reason except to amuse yourself).
steak for tea ... yummy!
Is it me? Or do children not realise how loud their voices are for such small people with small mouths. Lol!
It's not you!
P x