I have had an amazing day today folks!
firstly i brought some leggings from ebay, well i say leggings they are jeggings but sheer like tights. i didnt realise they was so sheer so was a bit dissapointed when i opened them a couple of days ago, but they was cheap so musnt grumble. well i tried them on today and OMG if i dont say so myself they looked fabulous!! so for the first time in my life as a grown up (not a teenager) i wore leggings and a little t/shirt .... and totally rocked it! got a million compliments on how good i looked, and a million people asking me how i have lost the weight (was a bit scared to share my diet secrets lol as i dont want everyone to look as good as me, i know how selfish of me) will take some photos of me in this outfit and post them on me picture thread!! the feeling i got was out of this world!! i felt so proud of myself!!
I went to my brother and sister in laws today. she has been sent home with wheelchair,and a million other things. i was a bit scared about seeing her as it goes, but she was surprisingly in good spirits. glad to be home i think so i helped her out today with the kids and the house and even did dinner (i hate cooking for others) had a good catch up. we sat out in the garden while the kids played (drinking tea and coffee this time tho) it turned out to ba a glorious afternoon weatherwise after a cr*p morning. it was great we had a laugh. yes she did have some pain obviously and she is suffering not being able to do anything for herself ("its infuriating"!! to say it in her own words). but the doctor came round today to brief us all on what she should be doing and what she shouldn't! social services (adult division) are coming tomorrow to put in plans for things to adapt her home stair lifts and showers. luckily she lives in a council home so they can adapt it for her. dont know if i would like the idea of having my home changed! my brother and his missus have such a beautiful home aswell, they have worked hard to make it so pretty inside and behind the house is fields and fields of beautiful Cornish countryside.
I am so glad she is feeling better, ok the doctors have sent her home 3 weeks early (otherwise she would have discharged herself ... but having kids i totally understand that) but luckily we are such a close family. she finds that so lovely as her mother left her when she was 2 months old with her dad so it is only her and him, they are very close. but i think that's why she and my brother got together, my brother raised his 2 elder boys single handedly from the ages of 2 and 4 they are now 21 and 19 and amazing young men.
anyway enough of the gabbling on i'm sure you get the picture .... i had a lovely day, which is a change for me so thought i would write about it
