my new love affair with dukan ... i hope it lasts !!

I always end up thinking of comebacks about four hours too late, normally in bed when I am having a conversation in my head with them (it's official I am crazy)

lol i do the same or i have a pretend argument with them in the mirror! lol x
AARRGGHHH just doing some figure working out and i will have to be on conso for 190 days OMG!!!

Lol, mine said i am on it for nearly a year i think, in fact I think is longer than that. All works towards the end though hun xx
well i am off to get a good nights sleep soon as i have a crazy day tomoz. i have to get up at 5.30 to start work for 6 then i finish there at 12.30 then get sorted and drive to penzance to catch the train to london. 6 hour journey . then underground to victoria then off to my hometown should arrive there about 9 pm to meet my sister for the christening on sunday!!! how crazy??? then back home again via the same route in reverse on monday! what a mad couple of days. should be fun tho. well will catch up with you guys on tuesday (WI day) when i will probably cry cos i will have gained a thousand pounds lol xxx wish me luck hopefullly i will be sensible i have a plan dukan foods gonna do pv days and gonna have a few tipples my plan is to drink slowly holding my glass so i dont get refilled too often! trick the others that ive drunk more than i have!! i hope it works lol xxx
Aw hunni, safe journey and hope the pounds aren't too high.

As for comeback, hmmmm maybe something alongs the lines of.....'well I was sick of being fat!' with a pointed look.
'oh, why say that...are you jealous of me'

Charly have a great weekend xxx
enjoy and good luck :)
Enjoy yourself xx

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Have a great time:party0011:
how did the blow out go?x
Hey hun, just catching up. Hope you are ok x
hi guys im back!!! the christening was great! and i stuck to the diet except for the wine! the buffet was cold meats and pickles lol what a touch! i did have the whole platter on my table by the end of the night lol x i am just waiting for everyone to email me the pictures and then i'll put some on here! i know i have had a gain i can feel it! scared to get on the scales! mind you i cant go into boots until thursday to find out what damage i have done! my great nephew looked lovely in his Mum's family christening gown thats been handed down! its something like 85 years old. and he was so well behaved! i have left nearly everything i took with me behind though! i'm terrible at remembering things especially with a hangover. the train home with a hangover was most defiantly an experience! the poor bloke sitting next to me when i started sweating out the alcohol ... oh dear!! it was so hot today as well so as you can imagine that didn't help either. poor fella. and i left my oatbran behind so made mum take me to tesco on the route home. would die witout my porridge. xx
ohhh here's some pics x


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    me n jack x.jpg
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    me jack and tede.jpg
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Whose the foxy chick :) you look lovely x
why thankyou very much jojo xx
At least you got through it :)

Where's your dress from it's lovely.
