Silver Member
thanks guys the dress! yes isnt it beautiful!!! i had so many compliments on it and i got it from dun dun dun Primark for £15 lol x what a bargain!
went to boots put on 1/2 lb so not too much damage!
actually think i want to! he is a little fitty! well i say little he is a boxer so he is quite large n manly and i quite like that! it just everything seems so new and exciting so if mr nice smelling man was my starter this guy is most deffo the main course so that only leaves one thing ... where's my dessert? lol xxI love hearing about your lovelife the new guy, in your opinion is he hot? I mean "would you?"
Sign me up for the new Charlys exploits thread, yes your young enjoy yourself, just be careful xxx ;-)
well charly marks out of 10 ???