Rach, i'm glad your doing well...stay strong your a star xx

Yeah we need to exercise as to burn the calories...I have the biggest loser app on my Facebook and put minutes and cals burn't makes me smile seeing how i'm improving ...hopefully my 30 day shred will come tomorrow !!

I don't think of this as a diet the food is wonderful....yep i feel like a little fruit last diet put me off of fruit and im so pleased I have started eating tonnes of it. I had a phobia against fluffy fruit ie peaches and i love them now !!
Makes me laugh cos when I go shopping people tend to look at me cos I have a full trolley and its fruit and veg nothing else lol!!

I hope your cat comes home soon..let me know :) xx
aw thanks booboo, i dont like thinking of it as a diet at all urgh lol!! Does the app on facebook show up for others to see? My trolleys the same i am a walking advert for low fat food, well my trolley is anyway!!

Hope my cat comes back too, i only get his little boy bits done monday night. Maybe he is angry with me, havent seen him since yesterday lunch time and he always comes in at night time :(
Rach the app doesn't show your personal details and weight if you look at my profile it just says what points i have gained....but its an encouragement as you can see on a daily basis how much fitter you must be getting cos the calories burn't are going up ...

I'm sure your little boy will be home soon....he is most probably licking his wounds and raring to come back xx
cats do wander....they have their own territories to patrol...I know what you mean as I have lots of animals

:) xxx
no i don't lol.....i have 3 dogs, 2 horses and a pony and 7 chickens....when i drive into the yard my chickens wait by drivers door waiting to be stroked like a cat lol :)
I have hand reared the chickens from a day old so they are very loving they are about 5 months old now !!

I used to ride when I was younger and hadn't been on a horse for 20 years so when we moved to wales I bought a horse and took up riding again lol....I then rescued a horse and pony with the help of the RSPCA and they are great company for my boy....its a great feeling , ultimate freedom and if you like speed you can have a good gallop !! We go for 16 mile trecks and enjoy the views along the way !!
When my kids visit (as they have flown the nest they are almost 21yrs old) we go to a trekking centre near the beach and they enjoy it too must try riding its so relaxing xxx
aw no i hope your cat comes back! Our 4 month old kitten went missing for a day and night but made her way back home. I was driving around our village shaking a box of cat biscuits out the window lol!
that sounds wonderul booboocraig. I used to ride when i was younger and loved it until I fell off and cracked some ribs. haven't been on one since. hoping one day down the line to get back to it.
Aaliyah, I broke my ribs years ago too but never let it put you off lol.....get back in the saddle girlie lol....well done on your weightloss your doing well :)

Rach my horse is a Clydesdale cross Welsh cob and is a hefty big lump on my Facebook big black will have to try riding !! He is like an arm chair lol

yay so glad he's back!
I felt like a crazy woman but she was so wee and it was when it was really cold during the night.

when I lose some more weight i'm going to start riding again. There's nothing like galloping down the fields
Its a great feeling...Minstrel gets so excited at times he does a Tigger and jumps upright into the air , all four hooves off the ground lol
yippeee so glad he's come home....we worry about our animals just like kids lol....:) xx
Well had a good few days, started the 30 day shred yesterday, just completed the second day!! Only thing i have to say is me and jumping jacks are a nono lol!! Doesnt look good at all lol!! But i will keep going and i am sure i will find them better soon!!

Wish this rain would go away too, its soo annoying cant even walk to school to pick the kids up or drop them off as they would be soaked.

On the upside, i have a child FREE night tonight, well apart from the hubby lol!! Been a long time coming, so going to relax and watch telly in front of the fire, but i have a feeling i might be tempted to do Jillian michaels on the wii, thats if i'm not to sore after this mornings work out!!

Well time to get me breakfast i think, hope everyone has a great day!!