Well done Rach on your day 2....

I know jumping jacks are good for burning calories but with everything jiggling around they make me feel sick !! doesn't help my hyetas hernia is through my tummy valve so my food comes back yuck !!

I am just about to do my workout ....haven't really dropped weight this week..but i'm positive and going back to my Alli cookbook cos I lost it all the time i was making those meals....

Have a great weekend everyone :) :)
hope you have a nice quiet evening! well done for starting shred. i've heard so much about it but i'm too scared to try it lol!

Have a good weekend all
that is exactly how i am feeling too hun :eatdrink051: :17729: :break_diet:
hiya, im new to this forum and new to xenical!! and i don't even know if im writing this in the write place!!!
i have been taking them around 3 weeks now and lost 11lb, but why cant i see any physical results????
i joind a gym just before christmas and i go 4 times a week, but what exactly should i be doing in the gym to see results?
what foods should i eat to not get the nasty side effects (ive only experienced it the once and that was because of 2 slices of warbutons bread, toast from work)
i am really struggling and really benefit from some advice!!
thanks xxx
Don't do it any of you !! Stay strong you know its bad for you....go and munch on some fruit then when you awake tomorrow you won't hate yourself for it !!

One thing that was on my biggest loser today was "LOVE YOUR SWEAT, imagine as it drips its fat melting from your body "

hugs :)
that is exactly how i am feeling too hun :eatdrink051: :17729: :break_diet:

LOL Sall its so hard somedays isnt it

hiya, im new to this forum and new to xenical!! and i don't even know if im writing this in the write place!!!
i have been taking them around 3 weeks now and lost 11lb, but why cant i see any physical results????
i joind a gym just before christmas and i go 4 times a week, but what exactly should i be doing in the gym to see results?
what foods should i eat to not get the nasty side effects (ive only experienced it the once and that was because of 2 slices of warbutons bread, toast from work)
i am really struggling and really benefit from some advice!!
thanks xxx

Hi Jude and welcome, you might get more of a response if you make a thread of your own, but in the mean time. It can take awhile before we see any results ourselves this doesnt mean your body isnt changing. The rule with the foods is that there shouldnt be any more than 5g fat per 100g of any item. No more than 45g in a day, most spread it out by using 15g per meal, but i usually have less as use some as snacks!! Butters and spreads are generally a no no, so is oily fish like salmon as the tablets cant tell the difference between good and bad fats!!

Don't do it any of you !! Stay strong you know its bad for you....go and munch on some fruit then when you awake tomorrow you won't hate yourself for it !!

One thing that was on my biggest loser today was "LOVE YOUR SWEAT, imagine as it drips its fat melting from your body "

hugs :)

I refrained from doing it, no matter how hard it was, aarggh!! I think doing the exercising is making me hungry lol!!
well done Rach for been good i'm proud of you xx
Your welcome...exercise does make you hungry but I must admit I drink about 4.5 litres water everyday now to supress hunger :)
They say even before you eat, drink a glass of water as it fills you ....I find I don"t get munchy and I have plenty of fruit around to eat xx
My legs are killing me too lol. I was gonna do a bit more tonight but thought I might bugger my workout tomorrow if i do....
Normally the next day they feel ok lol :)
no point in tiring ourselves out and not been able to do tomorrows workout !!

i wish i had done it now as i have just sat here and pigged out lol, all healthy stuff mind, and i have stayed within my daily allowance of calories and fat. But just wish i had the will power to stay away, i dont know where its gone today aarrgghh :flamingmad:
Tomorrows just another day......good madness lyrics least it was healthy...xx