hiya :) cudnt come on here last nite i was SO TIRED after work last nite i just flopped out!!

just readin the posts about the weightloss and i too can't luk in the mirror, i think i luk the same, and yes Rach your closest will tell u youve lost weight and they can tell, i get that from mine and my parents but until somebody at work, or someone u havnt seen in a while tells u, like me u will not be best pleased!! it puts u down puttin all the hard work in and getting less out of it, but like booboo said its the right direction :)

i can proudly say ive settled into the diet thing and exercise, and i think you all have too which is going to make this alot easier for us all :)

*i also want a slinky dress at Christmas booboo just to show off ! :p i hope theres not alot to show though ;) xx
Hiya Jude glad your ok :)
Rachgleeson said:
It may sound strange but i actually enjoy feeling like that, i know i have worked out then and i feel so good!! Not sure if i am going to do it tonight, i have done it the last 4 nights, my legs are aching, but i know i will feel guilty if i dont do it!!

No one has noticed i have lost weight yet :( apart from my hubby and best mate, but they both know i am doing this!! Has anyone else been told they look like they have lost weight yet?

hey rach have you heard of Arnica gel its suppose to be great for pain relief. iv ordered one called SBC arnica gel. ill let u know how i get on. it has 5 star reviews on QVC
in a couple of hours my friend is draggin me to the gym, but what should i do when i get there?? treadmill, cross trainer?? ive read so much about what to do and not to do at the gym..
hiya :) cudnt come on here last nite i was SO TIRED after work last nite i just flopped out!!

just readin the posts about the weightloss and i too can't luk in the mirror, i think i luk the same, and yes Rach your closest will tell u youve lost weight and they can tell, i get that from mine and my parents but until somebody at work, or someone u havnt seen in a while tells u, like me u will not be best pleased!! it puts u down puttin all the hard work in and getting less out of it, but like booboo said its the right direction :)

i can proudly say ive settled into the diet thing and exercise, and i think you all have too which is going to make this alot easier for us all :)

*i also want a slinky dress at Christmas booboo just to show off ! :p i hope theres not alot to show though ;) xx

Hey Jude glad your ok, missed you yesterday :D I am definitely giving the exercise a miss tonight, my right knee wouldnt thank me for it if i did any!!

hey rach have you heard of Arnica gel its suppose to be great for pain relief. iv ordered one called SBC arnica gel. ill let u know how i get on. it has 5 star reviews on QVC

I Have heard of it but wasnt sure if it would be any good, will you let me know how you get on with it as that would be great!! I dont want to keep popping pills lol!!

Really trying to pick my self up today just having a bit of a down one for some reason :( i am still being good, so that is the main thing!!

I am hobbling around but only because of my knee/leg!! and its only when i first get up and move off the chair!! Sometimes i feel really great in myself then others not so, sorry for being miserable!! On a brighter note, i cant wait to see what kind of nice dress i can get myself for christmas :)

one more question, i have really big legs but there honestly not pure fat a lot of it is muscle, it really gets me down, i get so embarrassed over it :( Is there any exercise that would help this, as i dont want big legs from muscle or anything!!
no probs hunny bun, here to help :)

gonna get a few ingredients tonight and try some of these recipes boy they look good :)
the best way of eating is ......breakfast, snack,lunch,snack,dinner by doing this you keep your metabolism going......otherwise it stops starts
I eat fruit at snacktimes

Just a few things on here Rach and what I said about little and often

Burning Calories
I am forever reading ....and if I find things out always good to share :):)
Hi Rach,
I think it's definitely best to keep grazing throughout the day rather than going for hours without having anything. They say it keeps your metabolism ticking along, and prevents starvation mode kicking in.

On a different note, try not to get dishearted if people don't notice your weight loss straight away. Sometimes it does take a little while to show, but most of the time people don't notice purely because they don't look at you properly.
I know that sounds daft, but how often to we really properly look at the people we see all the time?! Countless times I've been to have my hair done, gone out with my friends, and nobody has mentioned anything until I've brought the subject up..then it's a case of 'ohhhh yeaaah!!'

And on a totally different note - my fella lives in Northwich. That's pretty close to where you used to live in Cheshire isn't it?

Hi Rach,
I think it's definitely best to keep grazing throughout the day rather than going for hours without having anything. They say it keeps your metabolism ticking along, and prevents starvation mode kicking in.

On a different note, try not to get dishearted if people don't notice your weight loss straight away. Sometimes it does take a little while to show, but most of the time people don't notice purely because they don't look at you properly.
I know that sounds daft, but how often to we really properly look at the people we see all the time?! Countless times I've been to have my hair done, gone out with my friends, and nobody has mentioned anything until I've brought the subject up..then it's a case of 'ohhhh yeaaah!!'

And on a totally different note - my fella lives in Northwich. That's pretty close to where you used to live in Cheshire isn't it?


Thanks Alex, i am changing my meal to smaller ones but more regular, hopefully this will help :)

I was talking to my dad at the weekend and he said the same thing as you about people not looking at me in that way, which here in ireland i actually dont think they do look at you for what you are, they look at you for who you are, if that makes any sense!!

Northwich is very near to where i am from, only about 10 minutes max away. I would very often go to northwich, even when i visit my family in winsford i still pop there, not as much there as there used to be though!! But i love going into marks and spencers!! :D
Rach I have breckie at 8am, snack 10am lunch 12.30 snack between 3-4 then dinner around 6-7.......I can't eat after 8 due to hernia :)
sorry to hear about your hernia, does it affect your exercise?

Really suffering with my right knee/leg a good bit today, think i may have over done it :( My hubby thinks it could be a ligament!! But i'd say its something over than that, as its the back of the knee down the side and front, god i think i need shooting lol!!
Rach make sure you rest that don't want permanent damage.....don't over do it :)

My hernia does affect things at times but I try and work round it......since losing weight it is behaving more thank god.........but my hernia has come through my stomach valve so I have to be careful as there is nothing shutting my food off in my tummy no jumping soon after food lol :)
my mum has a hernia in her tummy too, so has to be careful!! Can be quite uncomfortable at times!1

I am resting my leg tonight, not doing any exercises, not really happy about it but it has to be done!! Just been naughty and eaten a piece of my daughters pizza oops smack hand!! SHe is terrible for wanting pizza and then not eating it, and it looks so nice lol!!