Rachgleeson said:
Sorry to hear that Anika, but they know what they are doing, my sis in law had an operation on her discs earlier this year and she was home the next day!! So try not to worry too much, hopefully what ever they decide to do in the end will sort you out!!

how long was she suffering for? and how is she now im just so stressed about it :-(
she had been suffering for years, she went to one of these doctors who work with animals and humans and i think he did more damage. So finally she went to someone proper!! She had made a complete mess of her back, a few discs are damaged, one was black!! I think she is suffering again but with a different disc!!
aww anika sorry to hear about your back, hopefully the specialist can help you in someway xxx

i bought my first tankini today from tesco, and i was quite overwhelmed when i tried it on!! it was really wierd!! but hopefully if i loose some more before july it should fit better!! still got a larger size just to feel comfy in but its a first step :) :) xxx
That's great Jude! Are you going anywhere nice on holiday?
yeah im going to Tunsia!! i can't wait!! i just hope i can shed another stone (pleasssssssssse!!) before i go, just to feel abit better :)

awww thanks rach!! i know ive got it hung up on the front of my wardrobe which is the first thing i see in the morning and last thing at night!!! I CAN DO IT, WE CAN DO IT :)

Jude"123 said:
awww thanks rach!! i know ive got it hung up on the front of my wardrobe which is the first thing i see in the morning and last thing at night!!! I CAN DO IT, WE CAN DO IT :)


yes jude YOU CAN DO IT we all have great faith that you will. goodluck hon
Oh Tunisia sounds amazing! Keeping your new tankini in sight will definitely help you stick to the diet :) Good luck with it! Can I hide in your suitcase? I'm desperate for a holiday! Lol.

How are you doing Rach?
lmao awww i wish i could emma!! it was a cheap deal not done too bad to get it, looking forward to it :)

if i hit the 180lb mark before the end of may im ordering a dress from which i really like!! so im gunna make sure i get that dress!xx
I'd be tempted to buy it now and make sure I fit into it eventually! But I've done that so many times in the past that I have loads of clothes in my wardrobe that I want to get in to and have never been able to :( I thought it'd push me harder, but it hasn't in the past. Maybe it would now though, now that I'm really serious about it :)
Don't have it, but I've heard its great! Good luck with it, hope you enjoy it! :)

Having a night off from exercise tonight, I've hurt my knees with all the exercise I've done so far so I'm going to give them a bit of a rest for a bit. Hopefully I'll be back in business by tomorrow though! :)
aww th zumba looks great, i dont have a game console thing so i can't get any :( ive got to really hit it hard with my assignments this bank holiday weekend, which will mean im slacking on the exercise again but it must be done!! maybe if i finish early monday, i have tuesday to do some :) xxx

bed time for me 10.5 hours in a supermarket is a drainer and if i see one more donut i think im guna cry!! night all xx
i have the zumba dvd collection its brilliant its so much fun, shame i cant do it with my disc problem :-( u guys will love it
Don't have it, but I've heard its great! Good luck with it, hope you enjoy it! :)

Having a night off from exercise tonight, I've hurt my knees with all the exercise I've done so far so I'm going to give them a bit of a rest for a bit. Hopefully I'll be back in business by tomorrow though! :)

Make sure you dont do anything till your knees feel better, i had to rest for ages at one point because of my knees!!

aww th zumba looks great, i dont have a game console thing so i can't get any :( ive got to really hit it hard with my assignments this bank holiday weekend, which will mean im slacking on the exercise again but it must be done!! maybe if i finish early monday, i have tuesday to do some :) xxx

bed time for me 10.5 hours in a supermarket is a drainer and if i see one more donut i think im guna cry!! night all xx

Which supermarket do you work in?

You should treat yourself to a console at some point, i think the wii is a great investment!! Your assignments are very important so make sure you get them done hun, exercise can wait, or if you need a break from your assignments do 10 minutes of exercise!!

i have the zumba dvd collection its brilliant its so much fun, shame i cant do it with my disc problem :-( u guys will love it

hopefully you will be able to get back to it soon hun!!

Well done my exercise for tonight, tired now!

Did 24 minutes on zumba, great fun, but the dance moves are so confusing, sure i will get the hang of it in time!!
10 minutes on jillian michaels fitness ultimatum 2009 and 20 minutes on biggest loser!! All this hard work best show up on the scales on monday!!
i work in morrisons rach !! so its not even like tesco/asda where clothes and stuff are coming through, its just food food food food food!!!

the worst pain, is scanning hot pies and pastys, sausage rolls!! and the smell is enough to make me cry !!

i know, i think it would be a good investment, i'll have to find one on the internet and treat myself, its my birthday at the end of the month so i may plant a few hints down !! xxx
My sister works in morrisons, she was on the cakes department, but back on chickens again i think, she keeps going to different departments. I love the cheese and onion rolls and the pork pies mmmmm!!! Oh and the banoffie pies they do on cake, soooo nice!! I used t work in the staff canteen years ago!!

Well the big weigh in tomorrow, monday comes around so quick!! I am hoping it will be quite good after all the work i have put in this week!! 2lb and i will be happy, :) anything really once its not a gain!!