my old diary... have started a new one ,,,new start new diary

valentine said:
Well that was another pretty sh1te weekend.. will i ever get my head back round this diet?? YES YES YES i have to ... dont know how i managed it but ive STS .. ive gotta have monday as a WI day or i will WI on a friday and think sod it and scoff all weekend..
But im trying so hard to stay off them pesky scales regardless.. Im due TOTM so im in for a rough ride trying to get back into keto with that going on in the background.. but i am determined not to feel fat on my holiday so its full steam ahead now... SH1T or BUST really xcxxx

Great plan, WI Monday really does make you make better choices over the weekend. Sh¡t or bust lmao!!
Valentine. You must feel great at the weight you currently are. YOu've done amazingly well - truly inspirational. I can't imagine yet how hard its gonna be to lose the last few stone. I think its hard to get ON the diet but I think it must be even harder to lose the last little bit. Go easy on yourself for the blow outs. You have gotten on the diet and stuck to it before. You can do it again.

Valentine. You must feel great at the weight you currently are. YOu've done amazingly well - truly inspirational. I can't imagine yet how hard its gonna be to lose the last few stone. I think its hard to get ON the diet but I think it must be even harder to lose the last little bit. Go easy on yourself for the blow outs. You have gotten on the diet and stuck to it before. You can do it again.


thanks huni... your so right.. the last bit is defo the hardest .. the complacency sets in .. Im a big 14 pushing a 16 and i actually carry it quite well so it messes with my determination at times.. i am off on my hols soon so i only have a month to get rid of at least another stone.. I didnt manage a TS day esterday but i wasnt too bad.. Tuesday was my original WI day from my last 2 5 and 8 week runs on this TS malarky so maybe i will have better luck getting it started properly today...

I may be failing a bit at the moment but im just gonna keep trying ... its when i give up trying that im gonna end up putting weight back on eh huni...

Tubs sh1t or bust is exactly how i see it at the moment lmfao xxxx
Dear Valentine

Hows about we all have a mini challenge like "100%TS til it rains" (I live in Ireland so that wont be too long!). Would that help you get into the zone again?

Dear Valentine

Hows about we all have a mini challenge like "100%TS til it rains" (I live in Ireland so that wont be too long!). Would that help you get into the zone again?


Ok belle ya on.... im in the dryest part of the country lol... will try anything to keep me on track .. your doing fab by the way huni ...well done xx
Ok Valentine. I am now on board. 100%TS til it rains!!. I am having a dreadful day and had to aam earlier (before I saw that you had replied). I need this challenge to get me back on track. So I am starting right now. And I also commit to drinking three litres of water a day til it rains. Just to make sure that the springs dont dry up...

ps We are having a heat wave here that is to last. Was 21 degrees here today......
Ok Valentine. I am now on board. 100%TS til it rains!!. I am having a dreadful day and had to aam earlier (before I saw that you had replied). I need this challenge to get me back on track. So I am starting right now. And I also commit to drinking three litres of water a day til it rains. Just to make sure that the springs dont dry up...


ps We are having a heat wave here that is to last. Was 21 degrees here today......

Morning belle... i managed my first good day yesterday....;) so today is number 2 i hope...

It normally takes me at least 4 days to get into keto but im not feeling hungry yet .. that will set in later..

How are you today hun? what part of ireland are you in? its strange ive been lucky enough to travel to some lovely places but never got round to Ireland.. Think i will make a big effort to get it ticked off my list very soon.. Even a long weekend in Dublin might be a good start eh xx
Hi there Valentine. I wanted to eat so badly yesterday but this challenge kept me 100% so the first order of business is to say THANKS. No sign of rain yet. Its a sunny day again today with temps expected to hit 20c. So I have my water to hand and will be 100% today. Yay.

I live just outside Dublin County, in the countryside. Ive been around the UK quite a bit cos ALL (yes ALL) my aunts and uncles emigrated there so I have no cousins in Ireland but lots in the UK (London and North East). From my (very limited) travels I can say that the east of Ireland is a very like cheshire or if you've been to Alton Towers I can say that there are lots of bits a lot like the land surrounding Alton Park. The west coast is more like the peak district, bleak, no hedges but stone walls. ITs pretty nice here. Not half as populated as the UK and when we build motorways we leave the views open for drivers to look around (I hate that in the UK the motorways are all tree lined so you cant see what the countryside looks like - I keep having to come off the motorways to see). If you are looking for a trip to Ireland I can recommend the comedy festival in Kilkenny at the beginning of June. Its called "the Cat Laughs" festival. I think Kilkenny is lovely - thats where the Irish go while the tourists head for Galway and Killarney in Kerry. Can't recommend anything higher. Met my husband there!

Keep going. You are so close to the end. Run towards it.

Hiya Belle.... yesterday was my first official TS day !!!! i didnt do too badly the 1st day but yesterday was 100%.

Ive just had my first shake and a litre of water to follow so am a third of the way through my 3L goal of water everyday..(hate it so im gonna get some tesco strawberry flavour one in a bit).

Thanks for the heads up about Ireland... The places you described sound right up my street.

I live right by the seaside in sunny clacton on sea... but rarely venture to the beach.. Have decided to take the dog for a walk down there later as the sun is still shining brightly.

WELL DONE for not caving in yesterday... This diet is a killer once ya have been on it for a while cos ya not really hungry but it does get boring eh..

Right im off for that walk so i will check back in with you later and try and find your diary if ya have one..

H\ave a lovely day xxxxxxxx
Still 100%. Just so you know!!! I was just looking at your weight losses. WOWZA! You must feel like a totally different person.

Well done for getting back on 100TS. It must be sooo hard to be motivated right at the end. But getting to goal, achieving the target you set way back will change your life. Change how you think of yourself I think. Thats how I feel anyhow. I want to reach goal so I can say to myself that I did it and feel like a winner. And then set new, non diet related, goals....

Well its Sunday and ive managed to get through the weekend TS and am now in keto... have had a banging headache today but the water seems to be keeping it from becoming a migraine...

Have decided im not gonna WI for at least anothe 10 days... I havent stepped on the scales since friday for a sneaky peep and now i have deposited them up to my mums!!!!! so i am scale less .. I wont go and WI on anyone elses scales and i have told my mum not to return them to me until at least the 10th of april!!
I refuse to be a slave to em anymore now i am in the zone.. will be a nice surprise when i do get back on them if i manage to stay TS for the next 10 days lol..

Am quite liking the new layout of minis now i have got used to it.

Hope everyone has had a fabalicious weekend xxxxx
Hi there Valentine

I am delighted to hear you are back in Ketosis. The challenge "100%TS til it rains" did me the world of good last week - which was possibly the most stressful week in work in three years. I got through it though in no small measure cos I was afraid to come on here and admit I hadnt stuck to it so THANKS!

I fell out of ketosis after my aam on Friday (I aam usually on Sat night but this week it was Friday) and I had a hell of a weekend. Back in Ketosis now thank god. I happily lost four lbs last week. Yippee

Hiya babes, just dropping by to say hiya ;)
Hope your having a good day xx
No WI for ten days is hard core !
Hi there Valentine

Why no scales. I weigh myself lots of times every day. I even weighed a bottle of water the other day to see how much it weighed - 4 and a half pounds!!!!! I am a scale addict .....but it keeps me on track. If I wasnt going to weigh myself for two weeks I think I might give in to temptation and say "well I'll be back on track by wi day" but if I know I have to face the scales in the morning its harder to give in. I always weigh about four pound heavier in the evening than the morning and my pajamas weigh a pound. Am I going bonkers yet???!!!!

Oh yes. And it rained. But I am now so back on track that I dont really care!!!!

Morning valentine x

hiya Presh.. how ya doing babes?? all good i hope xxxx

No WI for ten days is hard core !

I am so back in the zone marge i think its gonna be good to have a nice suprise when i get my scales back... especially if i have got back to 13st 5lb were i was before i threw myself off the wagon lol... gonna catch up on a few diaries in a min xxx

Hiya missy Perfect.. when ya gonna come and snatch ya crown back ???? ive been out shopping in it again today lol xxxx
Oh yes. And it rained. But I am now so back on track that I dont really care!!!!


hey girlie good for you and Fab 4lb loss to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done babe xx

Hi there Valentine

Why no scales. I weigh myself lots of times every day. I even weighed a bottle of water the other day to see how much it weighed - 4 and a half pounds!!!!! I am a scale addict .....but it keeps me on track. If I wasnt going to weigh myself for two weeks I think I might give in to temptation and say "well I'll be back on track by wi day" but if I know I have to face the scales in the morning its harder to give in. I always weigh about four pound heavier in the evening than the morning and my pajamas weigh a pound. Am I going bonkers yet???!!!!


Omg you have a love affair with the scales lol.. i used to be like that but took control a few months back and managed to WI every few days whether i was dieting or not... Now them scales are at my mums and im NOT going near them till at least the 12-14 of April.... I only WI on my own scales as other scales can make ya lighter or heavier.. So ive made my bed and i am gonna lay in it.

I have also got my new nck support pillows and for the last 2 days i have managed to get 8hr sleeps and havent woken up in agony like i do normally so all is looking good for me at the mo...YAY!!!!!!!!!!!