Morning all,
Thanks Purple for stopping by - always handy to hear what others are doing.
Well, my weekend was semi-to plan! Went to see CDC on Saturday and as thought, the scales showed a +4lb gain.

We sat and discussed options and yes, Step 3 is for me...Tried to stick to it this weekend, but with a meal out with my parents and a birthday lunch yesterday, i've not necessarily been 1000cals, more like 1200-1400... Today is Monday again and I am always better behaved in the week - I find sticking to plan when I have a schedule much easier and have brought my breakfast in and some veg to go with spag bol for lunch.
Had a great weekend - Saturday, after CDC, I went out with my parents to get the final bridesmaid dresses - which weren't in yet (bit of a wasted journey) and out for lunch. A bit of shopping and then back to make more wedding favour chutneys.
Yesterday, I got up, walked the dogs and then did my first day of the training program for couch25k - it's basically interval training but the woman tells you when to run, and when to fast walk. It was really good and I got home feeling incredibly positive! Rest day today and then it's part two tomorrow. My bum aches a bit today and my back - I guess i've got to build up my strength, but I really enjoyed it. Then it was on to a roast at parents in-law and delivering invites yesterday afternoon. A full weekend of exciting stuff!
Positive this morning and looking forward to being properly on plan and step three today and seeing how it goes.
On the plus side, CDC reminded me that since I got to my upper target of 12st 7lb, i've not gone over 12st so despite fluctuating, i've stuck with it - even if i'm not quite where I want to be - i'm still nowhere near where I was when I started.
If only I could properly loose that last half stone, i'd be happy to fluctuate between 11st and 11st 7lb!
Hope you all had good weekends - i'll be around shortly to see how you're all getting on.