Morning all,
Scales have not budged and I'm fessing up...again. I got home last night after being good all day and snacked/picked at so much crap. crumble mix for OH's pudding, chicken, olives, leftover homous...It's difficult to judge/log, but I probably snaffled down on 250-300 cals of crap which I didn't need. It was only this morning whilst drying my hair that I suddenly remembered something:
I am only making it worse on myself. I have always seen this as a new way of life, and yet I was doing things which I would attribute to my old way of doing/thinking.
I had a good hard talk with myself this morning and told myself this:
1 - STOP picking. You're never going to maintain or even loose this the last bit if you don't work hard on keeping it off.
2 - It IS hard work. But don't give up. You need to just stick with it.
3 - KEEP MAKING HEALTHY DECISIONS. You might be on step 3, but you're another step closer. Look at this as the start of forever, not the end of something.
4 - Whatever cheats you do, you're only doing it to yourself. It's YOU that took the weight off and it's only YOU that put the weight on.
5 - Remember selling all of those fat clothes? You'll be buying them all back if you carry on, and that will just be a waste!
Essentially, don't ruin all the hard work because you feel like you've earned it, or you want it. Want is different to NEED - just remember that!
So yes, I've not stopped feeling positive, but i'm feeling more motivated and driven again today. I always seem to in the morning, it's just maintaining that feeling till the afternoon! Potential problem this evening is that i've got to go to my parents house for tea, so I have no idea what i'll be having (eek.) Hopefully won't be too bad.
Saturday afternoon, i'm off to try on my wedding dress! AHHH! It'll be good motivation to get this last bit off I think.
Was supposed to do my next run tonight but with everything going on, it'll be tomorrow instead - all good and i'll start week 2 on Sunday. Going out for a walk at lunch instead to keep myself up and motivated.
I also brought cake in to work today - the last bit of Christmas coffee cake which has been in the freezer at home. Trying to rid the house of anything tempting and just have a bit of a cleanse of it all. If I don't buy it, I can't eat it.
I am positive, just more realist today too - realising that this is much harder work than step one!