Thanks Angel! parents and nephew for tea tonight - made homemade pizza, chips and salad. Apple cake for pudding. I sat and ate nothing! Dad said I looked really good which was so sweet of him. My boss plucked up the courage to ask me earlier if I'd been losing weight, and then proceeded to et everyone to compliment me in the office! Haha. weigh in tomorrow morning - eek! I'd love to be at (or lower) than 12st7lb - it would mean a 3lb loss and also that would be 3st off!hope you all have a fabulous weekend. xx
Hey wonderful ones! It's been a busy day and I'm finally getting around to posting the results from this weeks WI... Well, it was a 3lb loss! (Whoop whoop) but I stupidly miscalculated and actually have another 1lb to go before the final stone! Either way, I'm really pleased with that loss!
OH and I went out for the afternoon after weigh in. We went to our favourite little lunchtime cafe but I just sipped sparkling water, whilst OH had a delicious lunch. This was fine, and a treat for him since he'd taken me shopping and also bought me a lovely treat of some long winter boots. Not only are they really comfy, I didn't have to ask if they did wide calf fit - my usual drawback to long boots! He's really proud of my losses so far and really supportive - very lucky!
Anyway, tonight we are just chilling infront of the TV - gotta get my strictly fix - and I am having an SS+ meal of prawns and pak choi - I have been massively craving savoury stuff. Tomorrow were off to a friends house for Canadian thanksgiving dinner. Ashley is Canadian herself and when we saw the menu, I panicked - it all was cheesy or fatty veg dishes...I asked if she could just do me some plain broccoli and I'll have some turkey - thank god she understood and wasn't offended. It'll be really nice to see some friends we haven't seen for a couple of months, and have an afternoon chilling and celebrating!I'll be back to the old SS come Monday!
i keep meaning to take an updated photo...once I get to target perhaps!
Morning all,
Well, today hasn't started to best - car had a flat tyre when I got to work - and i'd probably driven it the whole way to work flat...Luckily, i'd made a cake at the weekend which I used as bribery to get someone to help me change it. Annoying either way.
Lunch yesterday was really lovely - I had my turkey and brocolli and a little bit of sweet potato, then a spoonful of Pecan Pie - which was nice, but not worth it, since it gave me tummy ache - I think... I only ended up having two products too yesterday - I was late having breakfast then the meal, then a bar at 8pm in the car on the way home, but literally couldn't stomach another one - I was so full!
Have a horrible taste in my mouth at the moment - I have another bit of a cold, and i'm not sure if this is making a difference...
Saturday night, I also had a tasty SS+ meal of prawns with chilli and ginger and pak choi and brocolli. I weighed it all out, and it was delicious - It was so nice to have some savoury - real - food.
I am starting to get a little bored of SS. I'm not at a point where I want to cheat, just that I want to have evening ss+ meals. I don't want to be doing this every day at the moment since I still have a stone (and a pesky pound) to go. My plan is to do my 12 weeks (with a couple of SS+ meals peppered in for events I have coming up) but as long as I only have half a stone to go, I will move up to 810. If i've more than the 1/2 stone to go, i'll be staying put a little longer till I get to that marker. Then it's half a stone to upper limit target, and another half to ultimate goal...I'm hoping to continue losses on the other steps - I know they will start to slow, but I have to get back to reality some time!
Hope you all had great weekends, I am finally going to go and have a look-see, it's been a manic Monday morning for me!
Well, never got around to taking photos of clothes last night! Didn't have an SS+ meal in the end, just didn't need it. I had rice pudding for my dinner and I wish I had taken more of these (CDC's been out of stock for a week or two.) It was really nice, though I wish I hadn't overcooked it so it went all over the microwave! If I could be bothered, I would exchange some of this weeks other products with CDC for some more, but i've got more important things to do! Haha.
Now, a little TMI for some, but i've been having a little problem going to the loo of late. I took some Sennacot last night, and I think i'll need to again tonight - I was almost late for work since i'd spent 15 minutes extra in the bathroom. It's only since i've stopped having soups that there's been a problem - not sure for the reasons why. Other than that, i'm feeling good - the weather is grim, but i've got my shiny new boots on which i'm wearing in for our trip to London, and smaller trousers too!
Hope you're all having a jolly Tuesday...
Morning lovelies, and morning Angel! Might have to find myself some Slimmatee - though last night I had my own solution...I had an SS+ meal. I had, and it was so tasty: - 1/2 portion of chicken with fajita seasoning - 1 boiled egg - green pepper, lettuce leaves and cucumber for my green veg portion - I dry fried the pepper with the chicken and hot hot hot green chilli! It was rather warm and subsequently, my tummy was churning all night - I only had two little bits, but I suppose my tolerance for hot foods has gone down! Anyway, it seems like it was more effective than the sennacot the day before! haha. Today I am wearing one of my all time favourite skirts, which sadly is falling off me! It's a tweed skirt that was specially made in my university colours but since it won't fit in another month, i'm getting my wear out of it today. I am going to look for a local seamstress as there are about 5 items of clothing I would like to keep but have altered to fit. Finally got around to listing some of my items on ebay last night - so far 11 things are listed, but I have bundles of jeans as I am just too lazy to list them all individually... So, yes - I had an SS+ meal, and I really can't wait to get into proper Step 2 now. I am enjoying having occasional meals and I feel totally in control doing so, I am just looking forward to it being a proper part of my daily routine to have a meal again! Saying that though - last night, I was so full that I almost forgot my third product - quickly swigging a strawberry shake at 10pm last night whilst clicking away on the ebay app! Feeling positive today diet wise and everything wise too. The new boots are a dream Angel and really comfortable - each day they remind me how much progress i've made so far!xx